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الرئيسية » To English Literature students PLZ

To English Literature students PLZ 2024.

Hi girls..

i really need a serious help right here,,!

well, i’m studying Shakespare’s Hamlet

and the doctor gave us a homework to do..

which is:

explain the different between Hamlet’s character and the characters of the avenger in traditional revenge tragedies

we’ll i think he meant that we should compare Hmalet’s chracter to the chracters in traditional revenge tragedies.. like The Spanish Tragedy

the problem is i didn’t find any esaay in the net that talks about this subject,,

and im here waiting for a help..

plz any one knows anything plz telll me..


Im not sure if you could find what you rae looking for via the internet,simply because not all of the website are trustable,and you may face unconvenince informations.

My advice for you is to search for it from books, thus, you can garantee what is writting there is the truth and it will not confuse you, I dont know if you have a specific website which is not free but the universities pay for it for the sake of education,this should be known in your branch area,and can not be open in some where else.

If you think the internet can seplay you with your request, then did you check google website or even yahoo, ?

Let me know if you need any further help.

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