ووجد ان هذا الكتاب يتحدث عن اصل كلمة "موسك" المسجد بالانجليزي وانها كلمة محوله من اللغة الاسبانية والتي ذكرها الملك فرديناند والذي قال:- (((سنسحق المسلمين كما نسحق الباعوض ))) – والذي هو اسمة بالانجليزي( موسكيتو ) واين يوجد الباعوض؟ يوجد طبعا في المستنقعات التي تكثر فيها – طبعا اين يوجد المسلمين؟ يكثر وجودهم طبعا في المسجد – فحرفت كلمة وبحكم اختصاصي في اللغة والادب الانجليزي كم مرة تسائلت من اين جائت كلمة "موسك" لنا وكنت اقارنها بكلمة "موسكيتو" فطبعا موسكيتو الباعوض هي mosquito تحولت الى كلمة mosque وهكذا وصار يسمون المسجد بالموسك mosque فلذا يجب تغيير اسم الموسك mosque الى كلمة المسجد masjed مثل كلمة الله لايجب ان نقول god لان قود الاله فيكون اي اله ولكن نقول الله Allah وهو الله وحدة لاشريك له
وهكذا فالرجاء نشرها للاهمية
الف شكر لك
ردا على الموضوع هذا ايميل وصلني عن نفس الموضوع واسفه لانه بلانجليزي
وهذا اعتذار من واحد سبق وبعث عن نفس الموضوع ان المسجد باعوض ولكن رجع واتاكد انه كان غلطان ومعناها مش باعوض وهذا محتو الرسله
اختكم نور العين
A letter from my side has been sent in the past explaining that
the word mosque referred to muslims negatively. That is in the sense we are mosquitoes or so that should be eliminated.I have now received a message correcting that understanding , and a copy of what was earliar sent to us to give us this meaning.
mosque is masjid .. masjid is mosque…though i think it is best to call it masjid.
For those intrested in the truth of the matter read below and check . Please disregard earliar emails from my side that says it is wrong to call it mosque.
Dear all
lI’ve got the followign reply from one of my friends re: the emai
i’ve sent about Mosque.
Apologize for any inconvenience
I have seen the message about Mosque before and I did double
check. I
doubt that it is correct. Here is the results that I got (quoted
from my
earlier reply.)
Please allow me to differ with the information you provided
again!I I
checked the American Heritage Dictionary (which I have
a softcopy of it) and got the following:
mosque (mosk)
A Moslem house of worship.
I doubt very much that the American Heritage Dictionary
(which I
was told it is the standard dictionary used by the US
government) will hide the root of the word!
If you prefer you can visit www.m-w.com to get the
about the word mosque:
One entry found for mosque.
Main Entry: mosque
Pronunciation: ‘mنsk
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French mosquee, from Old Italian
moschea, from
Old Spanish mezquita, from Arabic masjid temple,
from sajada to prostrate oneself, worship
Date: 1711
: a building used for public worship by Muslims
وهذه الرساله الي بعثها ويقول فيها ان المسجد معناه باعوض
Original Message —–
>>> From: L Taher
>>> To: My Friends
>>> Sent: Friday, January 17, 2024 10:43 PM
>>> Subject: Masjid …….
>>> A Valuable piece of Information
>>> Please read this and pass it on to any Muslims, as much as
>>> It is a vital and important information. Muslims should
>>>from using the term Mosque".
>>> I was flipping through this book the other day called "THE
>>> (they call themselves
>>> idiots!!) and it is filled with fun facts. One of them
>>>the term "Mosque." So many of us think that this is the English
>>> translation of
>>> Masjid. I’m sure none of us ever wondered how this term
>>>came into
>>>being when it really had little in common with the word
>>> ‘Masjid’.
>>> (We were very young when we were taught this English word.
>>>minds then were not critical & analytical, so didn’t dare to
>>> ask/challenge our
>>> teachers, right?). Anyway this book pointed out that the
>>>’mosque’ is derived from the Spanish word for "mosquito." It
>>> was termed as such because during the Crusades, King
>>>said they were going to go and swat the Muslims like
>>> mosquitoes". (Where else can they find muslims in large
>>>number to
>>>be swatted if not in a Masjid?). So, they cheekily termed
>>> "Masjid" as "Mosque".
>>> So dear Muslim brothers and sisters, refrain from using
>>>this term
>>>which is obviously a disgusting slap in the face to the
>>> Ummah.
>>> Educate our brothers and sisters to the history and
>>>etymology of
>>>this word. And let us replace it with the word which is
>>> MEANT to be used:
>>> Masjid! The Place of Prostration!! The place of Sijda!!
>>> Not Mosque: the place to be swatted!
>>> If any of you have doubts about this, then please go look
>>>for the
>>>book and read it.
>>> Brother in Islam