ابي الفقرة باللغة الانجليزي :
1-بامس قمت بذهاب الى الحدية وكان الجو غائما وخرجت من المنزل و نسيت المظلة وبعدها سقط المطر و هبت رياح قوية و قامت امي تبحث في الحديقة و راتني واعطتني المظلة ورجعت الى المنزل .
yesterday iwent to garden the weather was cloudy and the stronge wind blew my mother looked for me and gave me umbrella then backed to home
I went to the park yesterday and I forgot to bring my umbrella with me ,then it started to rain ,in that time my mother was looking for me in the park.finally she found me and gave me my umbrella ,and she went back home.