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الرئيسية » ضروري ومستعجل ابي مواقع شرح وتعليق على القصائد بالإنجليزي

ضروري ومستعجل ابي مواقع شرح وتعليق على القصائد بالإنجليزي 2024.

ضروري ومستعجل ابي مواقع شرح وتعليق على القصائد بالإنجليزي

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

مراحب بنات

الموضوع مبين من عنوانه.. ياليت تساعدوني بمواقع فيها شرح وتعليقات على القصائد الإنجليزيه غير موقع SparkNotes لأني مالقيت فيه القصائد اللي ابيها.. أنا بقولكم على القصائد اللي احتاج عليها شرح وتعليق أو على الأقل summary للقصيده واتمنى تفيدوني ولو بوحده
Lines by Wordsworth
When we two Parted by Byron
To Night by Shelley
Ode to Nightingale by Keats

بإنتظاااااااركم ابيها ضروووووووووري اليوووووم

بليييييييييييز يابنات ابيها ضرووري عروس
لاتفكرون اني مادورت قبل مااطلب منكم.. الحين بس باقي لي قصيدتين وعجزت القى لهم تعليق اللي هم

When we two Parted by Byron

To Night by Shelley

بإنتظااااار مساعدتكم الله يجزاكم الجنه

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
تفضلي اختي هذي الروابط

Analysis: "Ode to a Nightingale"

Analysis: "Ode to a Nightingale" (2)

When We Two Parted

رابط When We Two Parted ما يشتغل انا راح احط الشرح مباشرة

When We Two Parted
George Gordon Lord Byron

Often the speaker in a poem is not the poet’s own voice but a character or voice created by the poet to achieve a particular effect. What are the emotions, thoughts, and wishes that are expressed in the poem?
sorrow, regret, betrayal, shame, bitterness, heartbreak
The speakers thinks he should have seen the sorrow coming; he can’t understand why he loved her so much
He seems to wish he had not loved her; he hopes never to hear from her again
The speaker’s feelings result from
The break-up of his secret relationship with the woman has deeply saddened him.
He has assumed that the woman felt the same love toward him and the same sorrow over their parting as he has felt.
He is surprised to discover through gossip that the woman has carried on affairs with other men, since they broke up.
He may be ashamed of the hidden part he played in ruining the woman’s reputation.
He feels that he has been fooled by the woman into believing that she cared for hi
"When We Two Parted" seems realistic in that it
portrays the pain of love or the end of loving
the speaker responds to the woman’s betrayal with understandable feelings of bitterness, disbelief, disappointment, and pain
the speaker discovers the woman’s betrayal through gossip
the speaker wonders how he will respond to the woman in the future

تفضلي هالرابط ممكن يساعدك
من هنا
انا كنت داخله بعطيج سبارك نوتس :shy:
بس اختي M!SS PARI ماقصرت

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