انا مو عارفه وين احط الموضوع بالضبط بس اتمنى انو ماينحذف
زي مآآنتو شآيفين بالعنوآن
آتمنى تعملو لي محادثه بالانجليزي عن
you are about to do something you are nervous about , such as take an important exam, or give a presentation in front of the class Your partner will off er encouragement and express confidence in you
تكون بين طآلبتين وانا بالثانوي
وقالت المعلمه هالكلمات لازم تكون موجوده ع الاقل 3 او 4
up for = ready for
mess up = make a mistake
down pat = at the point of perfection
You bet! = Of course!
guts = courage
psyched = excited and psychologically prepared
وهذي المحادثه اللي موجوده بالكتاب
Coach: After two years of training, we’re fi nally at the regional skating competition! How does it feel, Barry?
Barry: Actually, not so good. I’m not sure I’m up for this.
Coach: What are you talking about?
Barry: What if I mess up?
Coach: You’re not going to mess up. You’ve been practicing day and night. You have your routine down pat. Skating in front of those judges is going to be a piece of cake. Now, I want you to take a deep breath and exhale. Trust me. You’re going to knock their socks off .
Barry: Do you really think so?
Coach: You bet! I have total confidence in you. You have the guts and the talent to win this competition. There’s no doubt in my mind that you can do it.
Barry: OK I feel better I’m psyched
Coach: You’ll be on in a few minutes. You should get your skates on. Where are your skates?
Barry: My skates? Oh no! I left them in the car!
اتمنى فهمتو قصدي آكثر
تنبيه هام! بشأن طلبات الأعضـاء – Please Enter
اختي ما فهمت يعني تبين انساعدج في كتابة محادثة عن دخولج حق امتحان؟
on the day of the final exam for history I called my friend and conversation started as the following
Me: hello friend. how are you?
friend: I’m fine. How are you? Are you up for the exam?
Me: well i’m not fine, I still feel that I need more studying for the exam and I am really afraid to mess up in the exam
friend: don’t worry just study hard and you will do just fine
Me: so did you study for the exam?
friend: you bet! I always do
اتمنى البداية كافية حطيت فيها الكلمات اللي طلبتيها ما عدا اخر ثنتين فكملي الباقي وان شاء الله قدرت اساعدج