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الرئيسية » close your eyes and write

close your eyes and write

عزيزتي اليوم خطرت ببالي فكرة واتمني التشجيع والمشاركه (6)
ابي كل وحده تكتب عن مشاعرها في داخلها بلانجليزيه …غمضي عيونك واكتبي
اللي تشعري بيه وتبي تقوليه وما تقدري لبابا …او لماما او زوجك حبيبك او الدنيا
وياما في القلب..:16:…ورح تلقين نفسك تقولين شعر وبلانجليزبه:cool:

انا ابي ابداء ويا ريت لا تفشلوني

what happened to me I do not know ….. every things is dark
I can not see anything… where are you please help me
Did you know what I feel….. did you know that I am lost and
No one could help except of you…. But instead of helping
You let me down shame on you , shame on you …

ها ويش رايكم …تراها ها مشاعري وحسب رايكم لمن اكتبها….
….. ايوه ….

تراه فكركم راح لبعيد ….مش لزوجي ولا لاحد

فكرو كمان وكل وحده بعد ما اتعبر عن مشاعرها تحاول تتوقع لمن خواطري(6)  

I think you wrote this poem to the light in your room


do not say i am wrong

I do not have any feeling>>> girl without feelings

thanks sis for your topic

When I close my eyes and and the thick black darkness starts to spread around me!!

I always think of those amazing people – who lost their sight-:cool:

And managed to accomplish many great things!!

Better than me who has wide opened 😮 eyes

Thanks a lot for this nice topic, darling ! I like it very much coz it really help us to express what’s in our mind

And here is my guess for the person that u meant in ur pretty & petty emotional text>>>>>> :21_165:It is the bright moon who has forsaken you in a black night !!
Am I right
:JUMP: my dear sis Jumana
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Nice topic and great idea :z_clap:

When I close my eyes , I remember
how I’m depressed
and how I live in the dark without my darling
My life is nothing without him

Thanks sis for the nice topic:9_33: … hope to read more
from you

It’s very sweet to write something from your own feeling
Ur own words r so nice masha’allah
and I think u addressed the light in ur room as my sis said
hi girls thanks all for your effort but


………….do you know who is right



try again

hi girls where are u
please came and write
its really fun

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