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الرئيسية » dont shut life out

dont shut life out

Don’t Shut Life Out

No-one can know your emotions and thoughts,

No-one can feel your pain,

No-one sees the tears that fall in the night,

Silent and lonely like rain.

No-one knows how you regret all you’ve lost,

And all that will now never be,

No-one can feel how it is to be trapped,

In a body that won’t let you fly free.

But listen with your soul,as we talk with our hearts,

Let Friendship and loving surround you.

Enveloped in warmth from people who care,

Soothing and flowing around you.

Gifts are easy to give, but hard to accept,

Bitterness caused by rejection,

Accept this friendship as it has been given,

Not in pity, but with loving admiration.


thanks its reaaly trure thing !i really feel n belive tht no bdy cannn feell wt u feel n wts the matter with u n the paiin full !
nice topic

thanks alot


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