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الرئيسية » Grandpa Tucker’s Poem:: Chocolate Math ورقه،،

Grandpa Tucker’s Poem:: Chocolate Math ورقه،،

السلااام عليكم ..
أنا أحب القصايد اللي بالانجليزي
و أحب انشرها ..
و من فترة حطيت عن الثلج .. اتمنى انكم قريتوه
المهم عندي لكم هذي القصيدة وهي بعنوان
Chocolate Math
مرررررة رهيبة .. و يا ليت تقرونها
ما أدري مين اللي قالت لي المرة اللي فاتت انها
تبي تعرف اسم اللي كاتبها .. هالمرة حطيت اسمه عشانها
يلاا ما أطول عليكم
تفضلوا بالقرااءة

Let’s sum it up: I cannot add.
Finding a difference drives me mad.
I hate remainders and it’s true,
Multiplication makes me blue.

Those plastic sticks just don’t do it.
Who thought that up really blew it.
We’ll do well with a new device,
These M&Ms will be real nice.

This subject now will be a treat
As Chocolate Math is really sweet!
I’ll be an adder who never misses
While adding piles of chocolate kisses.

Here’s a device found at the store:
Ten Tootsie Rolls, and I’ll eat four.
Then I’ll say, "I still have six."
With Chocolate Subtraction Tricks.

Now division can be done in haste
When it’s done with a little taste.
With remainders I’ll have a ball,
I’ll pick them up and eat them all.

To multiply we will be able
To put some chocolate on the table.
Two candy bars times four are eight. (ate)
That product we’ll assimilate.

If teachers would not preach and nag
But assign our homework from a bag,

All students could be math fanatics
By using Chocolate Mathematics.

اتمنى انها عجبتكم ..
منتظرة ردودكم

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته..

هلا اختي ورقه مشقوقه ..

اكيد قصيدة الثلج قريناها وعيبتنا

بس القصيده اليديده روعه الصراحه


i like math

and with chocolates its even better

yum yum

thanks a lot sis

do let us see more of your participations

:flower: :flower:


very nice[/glow1]

nice poem sweetie


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