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الرئيسية » ιiκε iт, ιoνε iт, нαтε iт, иεvεя :GAME

ιiκε iт, ιoνε iт, нαтε iт, иεvεя :GAME 2024.

Hello all

.. ιiκε iт
.. ιoνε iт

.. нαтε iт
.. иεvεя

Rules Of the Game: i
i + 1st member chose anything. Can be a movie, attraction, show or a restaurant

i + 2nd members Type his reply as either "Like it" "Love it" "Hate It" or "Never

ill be the first one to pick a place

" Disney Land "


Copied =)

Disney Land

Love it


Love It

"This forum"

Like it




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