Try this test to know more about your personality and let us see your results it’s so funny
i try it but im waiting your results :tongue:
You are Rain
You are introverted, Feeling, sensitive, and spiritual.
Thanks alot sweety amoula
your welcome Green salad it’s so nice from you to participate in my topic (f)
You have intense moods, Your opinionated, and original, mysterious aswell.
i can’t beleive!!!!!
hhhhhhh ورد المشمش it’s just a quiz sweety
thanks for passing
You are Sunshine
You cheerfull, bright and positive. Your harmonious, and kind.
this is mine :tongue:
Thanks for this sweet quiz
My result was like you
:thumbs:You Are Sunshine
thank you Sali for passing & it’s so nice that we have the same result lol
thannnnnnnk you for the topic
You are Sunshine
You cheerfull, bright and positive. Your harmonious, and kind.
thank you amoula