المكتبة _ Library 2024.

Hi, dear friends and colleagues
مرحبا صديقاتي و زملائي الأعزاء
dear students In English Institutes
أعزائري طالبات اللغة الانجليزية

مثل ما بتعرفوا أهم شيء لتنمية اي موهبة عندنا هي الإطلاع و القراءة و البحث في الكتب ناهيكن على انه لأي مدرسة او جامعة أو مركز تعليم أكيد فيه مكتبة للكتب .. و لذلك أقترح انشاء مكتبة لجامعتنا الكبيرة عروس و كلية الآداب و العلوم الانسانية قسم اللغة الانجليزية … مكتبة تكون تحتوي على أهم الكتب و القصص الخاصة بتعليم اللغة الانجليزية فقط يعني مو كل الكتب

و مثل ما كنا نشارك بعض كعائلة واحدة في مشاعرنا في افكارنا

و في كل شيء ياريت كل وحدة منا عندها كتب خاصة باللغة تحطها هنا.. ياريت يكون في تفاعل و جدية

و يشرفني اني بكون أول وحدة بشرككم كتبي و الي بتمنى أنو الكل يستفيد منها .. و بكون سهلة روحتكم الى المكتبة بالجامعة

ملاحظة هامة:
ياريت ما نحط مواقع فيها كتب اذا بدنا نحط موقع ياريت بينحط في الجهه الخاصة بالمواقع المهمة
اضغطي على الكتاب للتحميله على جهازك

First Book is Phonetics: Using Phonetic Transcription in Class

Second Book is Phonetics and Phonology

Third Book is Stress Placement in English

Forth Book is The Oxford Dictionary of New Words

Fifth Book is English Grammar A Short Guide

I wish success 4 both our students and colleagues, I hope u benefit these books
I’ll put more books

c ya soon
With My

BE aware
Every body pleas be aware of the creator & writer of this topic.
-She will make both of your eyes widen up & go out when they see & read her really amazing &out of the space idea !!

-She will make your mouth wide open & you won’t even be able to close it when its start to say
the word "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…….. .!!"

– Be really ware coz She will fill ur mind with lots & lots of important information& amazing thoughts.
-Be ready and really thankful to her genius & generous personality.
-Every body be ware from -Bent Al-Janoub the owner of this crazy wonderful & useful idea!!

What a great idea ! ..:handup:

I really appreciate your effort my dear.
Thanks is not enough 😮
May allah reward you sweety

I’m soooooooooo, happy and proud of u sweety to be the first visitor as usual
Thanx for ur words really it enrich me by power and energy
We’ve to be together in all issues and in all the Rooms Library and Experienc’s Room, I need ur help and support .. I wish to c ur staff of books Green Salad
I hope if we cud be together in adding the subjects , but how?l

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها ღ Sali ღ عروس عروس   عروس
  What a great idea ! ..:handup:

I really appreciate your effort my dear.
Thanks is not enough 😮
May allah reward you sweety

عروس   عروس

Thanx sweety, ur words brings me happyness and strength
I wanna read ur books as well

great idea God bless you banouta

verrrry nice

thanks for the lovely idea

Thanx sister`Its a useful topic

These are also very useful

FIRST / English Usage
SECOND / English Vocabulary in Use
THIRD/ Essential Grammer in Use

Assala,ou 3alaykom wa ra7mato ALLAH wa Barakatoho
Hi, friends
how r u 2day? dear amoula nice to meet u here, soooo happy 4 ur visit but I hope it wudn’t be the last 1
sister , remarkeble u r welcome darling
As I need ur nice and supporting words I hope u’ll Njoy the books
I wish to see urs as well, that’ll be sooo kind of u


what a great idea

if I find any English electronic book I will put it here

In shaa alah

Qatar – Where can I find a library to borrow english books? 2024.

Good afternoon,
My sisters, friends and I are thinking of starting a book club. However, because we do not want to have several copies of the same book at our house, we decided to buy one copy and borrow the rest.
I know that the public library allows people to borrow books but I do not know if they have a large collection of english books.

I hope you can help me in finding a library that has a large collection of books and allows us to borrow them.
Thank you all.

Hi all

If anybody knows a good library, please tell us