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The Day You Found 3roos 2024.

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The Day You Found 3roos

Do you remember the day you found 3roos,
how did you find this great site?
What about the first persons you spoke to, are they still here?[/FRAME]

:clap:Hi sis, What a nice topic!!
Here is my story with our beloved forum!!
To me I was informed about it!!
I was told that it has really great & useful topics about clothes & makeup!!
I entered it!!
:sm215: I do not remember the day exactly!! But I can remember the date which I signed my membership incoz I have an excellent memory:think: !! Actually no:21_186: Coz it is written in my profile HeeheeHeee:MEGALOL:
Any way I discovered the English section which I was and I am still addicted to:1_42: –
the first people
:friendship:that I had spoken to were:Bent Al Janoub-Lubna-stay away&Sally!!!!
Forgive me coz I am soooo talktive

[ (f) ]

Thanks alot sis 4 the nice topic

عروس اقتباس عروس     عروس
  Do you remember the day you found 3roos,  
عروس   عروس

I don’t remember exactly the day but the month was April 2024

عروس اقتباس عروس     عروس
  how did you find this great site?  
عروس   عروس

I’ve heard about 3roos from my sisters’friend before I found it

عروس اقتباس عروس     عروس
  What about the first persons you spoke to, are they still here?  
عروس   عروس

The 1st people I met were :
بدور الليل , زهرة البنفسج , عـــادي
and I I still keep in contact with them

This forum was & is the only one that I liked

[ (f) ]


Nice topic thanx
I remeber that day

It was on February 20th,2008 …I was looking:21_129: for a photo for* Napat Saad* that’s in Elkhalidj in google that took me to 3roos where I found a report about my plant,.. Where I found 10s of women were talking about it.. I don’t remembr their names but, *nessma 7loua* was the first 3aroos that I chat with :friendship::in the Skin and the Beauty Forum… then :8875:Sali
Befor I sign in 3roos I was entering :SOFA: evryday to the site, for 15 days, to see a beatiful and smart 3aroos was called Sali.. I loved her sooo much be4 I knew her… she’s the first 3roos who drove :drive1: me to our belovd Site
I’m not sure if* Nessma 7eloua* still here but she didn’t call me for a long time, the othrs r still here on the othr forums of 3roos
I signin on March 2024
:21_186:By the way I cudn’t feel relax in the othr Forums I’ve no friends only in English Forum .. I’m lucky and the :happy1:happiest to be here

i do not remember it but i remember it was before my wedding

and i know many pepole but they did not now me

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها بنت الجنوب الجزائري عروس عروس   عروس
  Befor I sign in 3roos I was entering :SOFA: evryday to the site, for 15 days, to see a beatiful and smart 3aroos was called Sali.. I loved her sooo much be4 I knew her… she’s the first 3roos who drove :drive1: me to our belovd Site  
عروس   عروس

ooooooooo sweety 😮 thanks that’s mean aloooot 2 me
I love u too my dear :15:

Well.. I do remember the first time I got here.. It was the middle of the night

I was searching in the forum, looking for some E sms
the frst persons
topaz and sally but i donnot see topaz from along time

thanx ss .. ur topic is great

i am still singel

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