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~!the question game~! 2024.

hi u guys ok let me show u how to play
i ask u a question and u hav 2 answer it and then u ask a question and then another person well answer it and so on…………….hpe u guys ike it

1st question y did the chicken cross the road?

thx lilmisspaligrl 4 this nice game
the chicken cross the road to reach the other side of the road

my question is
why the sea is blue ?

thx and there r 2 reasons that the sea is blue !1st reason isThe sea reflects the sky


the 2nd reason is The sea refracts light so
there u go the answer

the new question is
if u had a chance 2 live in america wat state would u like 2 live in
I would like to live in CALIFORNIA

My question is:
how long does it take u to get up in the morning?

hey i waz born and lived n california 4 10 years its really pretty
for me maybe 2-5 min but my baby bro only takes him an half an hour and hes only 9 years old
ok next question
if u had only $1million wat would u buy?mmm…….m
hi I would buy a nice house a nice car
and give the rest to my mum!!! :87457:cos she is the love of my life

ok since she didnt ask a question then i will
the question is
if u had a crush and u told ur friend and now ur friend
is flirting and talking 2 ur crush.and u didnt like it .wat would u do 2 stop ur friend??
Keep silent …. only !
What does your name mean ….lilmisspaligrl …
you have the right to answer OR not ……..
ok my name is lil for little
miss i think u no that
pali as a friend
and grl for girl
so there u go my name
ok next question is
if u had the whole world in ur hand wat would u do to solve the worlds problem?mm

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