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الرئيسية » These correct or not

These correct or not

  • بواسطة


How are u

please see these sentence

it’s correct or not

Took a certificate of Cisco Courses in SoharUniversity.

I will waiting


the sentence is right just its better to mention at the beginning "I" if the sentence is about you and instead of "in" you should put from
also you can say it this way:
I took a Cisco Courses Certificate from Sohar University


Thanks alot

You are welcome


وممكن بدل ما تقولي I took تقدري تقولي I have

وكمان في شغله حبيت انبه عليها

will يكون عن حدث بالمستقبل فما يصير تكتبي I will waiting
لازم تصير

I will wait

ing يجب ان تكون مع am

I’m waiting

اترك تعليقاً

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