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الرئيسية » True Friends

True Friends 2024.

True Friends always pop up to say Hello….

True Friends don’t Care if you’re a lil’ different…

True Friends never fight like cats and dogs…

True Friends will drive you anywhere!……

True Friends let everyone come along….

True Friends don’t laugh at you when you get new glasses…

True Friends help you up when you’re down…

and True Friends never let you do something you’ll

regret when you wake up the next morning!

عروس2عروس2عروس2True Friends don’t laugh at you when you get new glasses:cool2:
thanks بدوية العينعروسعروسعروسعروسعروس
:smile:مررررررررررة حلو وكدهعروس
ينقل لركن اللغة الإنجليزيه
I am pleased you liked my participation:smile:
True freinds are rare like diamond
easy to find but hard to keep
nice paticpation



Thanx for ur passing on … I wanna add something to my participation which is "Friends can be enemies" it is hard to trust anybody even your close friend…

Thats totally true

بدوية العين 2

Friendship is that part hallowe’d light

That warms

but burns not with its rays

Your friendship has warmed my life

in so many ways

Thanks for being my friend


thanx 4 ur gr8 words to reveal how dear aclose friend can be

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