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what happened to us? 2024.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

girls what happened to us

everyday i wish to see something new

but unfortunately..i don’t ..

يعني لها الدرجه ما فيه مواضيع احس ركننا راكد

الاقسام الثانيه ما شاء الله مواضيعهم جديده على طول

يالله جددوا حاولوا معاي اللي عنده شي جديد

anything interesting..


اعطونا افكار ….

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

أختي الغالية أم القوقو

تسلمين يا غالية على مشاعرك الطيبة تجاه هذا الركن و عندك حق فيه حالة خمول لكن معظم البنات داخلين على امتحانات و تلاقيهم مشغولين شوية

But I agree with you that we need some kind of change and we need new ideas to refresh the corner

So?? Do you have any ideas??z

i am trying

but there is nothing on my mind right now

what about

a book club

or a discussion about poetry

to renew our ideas and knowledge of literature..

i don’t know.. you give me your ideas

It’s a very good idea, dear

To have a book club as you said

What about developing this idea: each of us has certainly many novels and short stories or plays, so why don’t we discuss them??z

I am waiting for your opinions

My idea is: for example, I adore the English novel "Jane Eyre", so I can write a summary of it and include the link for the novel, then wait for the others to give their opinions about this story


very very lovely idea

of course i have studied Jane Eyre

but i have an idea

why don’t you give time for those who read the novel to refresh their memories and read the novel again

and for those who didn’t so that they would read the novel

i love this novel as well

don’t start now because i will be busy in the next 2 weeks hhhhhhh

i hope the other girls like the idea

what do you think girls

ok, dear, we won’t start until you finish and it will be a chance for other girls to revise or start reading the novel

و هذا هو الرابط لرواية جين إير و لمن يريد المشاركة معنا، نرجو قراءة الرواية او مراجعتها اذا كنا قد قرأناها في السابق لنناقشها معا بعد أسبوعين من الآن عندما يتفرغ الجميع من الاختبارات

Jane Eyre

See you later

thank you amal


thank you again


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