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الرئيسية » ياليت تشوفون لي التعبير صحيح ولا لأ

ياليت تشوفون لي التعبير صحيح ولا لأ 2024.

  • بواسطة
هذا تعبير للجامعة طالبته دكتورة الانجليزي …. والله مررة تعبت من الانجليزي
وياليت تساعدوني خصوصا انه انا في قسم الطب البشري ولازم اكون متمكنه
من الانجليزي ….

وهذا هو تعبيري يا ليت تشوفون لي اذا كان هو خالي من الاخطاء ولا لا ومشكووورين :clap:

Eid al – Fitr in my Family
Eid al Fitr is an important celebration in Muslims life . It comes after the Holy Month of Ramadan . Muslims go to the Mashehd and pray the Eid prayer where Albra’a said : I heard of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said that the first start of this day to pray and then go back to butcher the sheep and one who do that he Injured our sonna .
On this day , Muslims take break after fasting Ramadan . They cook many foods as lamb meat and rice , stuffing and sweets . They share them foods and they also give the money or the food to the needy. The old people give children money and sweet to make them happy.

In my family , we go to my grandmother and we throw a celebration . My uncles butcher the sheep after the Eid prayer . Then my grandmother and my aunts cooked it , and cook many different food like macaroni and sambosah ( dough stuffed with meat , chicken or vegetables). The girls in my family take care of children , talk together and make the family fun also. Finally , we eat a lot of foods and we feel full and happy .

معليش يالغلا انا توي اشوف الموضوع لكن باذن الله راح اصححه لك وانزله قريبا انتظريني عروس
السلام عليكم انا جييييييييييييييييت

معليش متاخره لكن ان شاء الله اني سويت الي اقدر عليه والله من وراء القصد لاني حبيت افيدك وربي يشهد عاد سامحيني على القصور عروس

طبعا املائيا ماشاء الله مافيه شي لكن نحويا اسمحيلي حذفت جمل كامله واضطريت اضيف من عندي لانك خلطتي بين عيد الفطر وعيد الاضحى عروس المهم اني سويته بشكل افضل واتمنى يعجب الدكتوره تفضلي حبيبتي

Eid al Fitr is an important celebration in Muslim’s life . It comes after the Holy Month of Ramadan where people become happy that they have completed fasting the whole month and getting reward from Allah(all his mighty). Muslims go to the Masjed and pray Eid prayer . They cook many foods as lamb meat and rice , and they distribute sweets ,some gifts between eachother . They share them foods and they also give money or food to the needy. The old people give children money and sweet to make them happy.
In my family , we go to my grandmother’s home and we make celebration with the rest of my relatives . . Then my grandmother and my aunts cook many different foods like macaroni and sambosah ( dough stuffed with meat , chicken or vegetables). Girls in my family take care of children , talk together and make fun . Finally ,in Eid al-Fitr we enjoy our time together.

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