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الرئيسية » لطلبة التاريخ والجغرافيا .وهواة الرحلات تعرف الى العالم

لطلبة التاريخ والجغرافيا .وهواة الرحلات تعرف الى العالم 2024.

[بسمله] بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم[/بسمله]
[السلام] السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته[/السلام]
اتمنى ان اجد منكم الاهتمام والمساعدة لانجاح اول مشروع للتعرف على عالمنا..وخصوصا العربي..وهو يهدف الى خدمة طلاب اللغة الانجليزيه..وللتعرف على العالم..من خلال هذه اللغة..وتسهيلا لاي بحوث او مواضيع قدتطلب منهم عن هذا البلد او ذاك من العالم..وانا مستعد لتلقي طلباتكم..لتوفير كل الروبط عن اي مدينه اوقرية بالكرة الارضية..ليكون طلبة مدونة عروس الاوائل دوما..وتكون مدونة عروس مرجعا عالميا للمعلومات…مهما كانت..
وبانتظار طلباتكم سابدأ معكم برحلة الى فلسطين
اتمنى ان تستمتعوا معي في هذه الرحلة

Jerusalem, Dome of the Rock

Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock

Windows of Dome of the Rock

[IMG]Inside Dome of the Rock Model[/IMG]
Inside Dome of the Rock Model

Dome of the Rock

The Al-Aqsa Mosque

لمزيد من المعلومات عن فلسطين اضغطوا هنا لو تكرمتم
وعن المسجد الاقصى هنا
بعض اللوحات المرسومة بالخط العربي هدية الرحلة لكم

مع تحياتي واحترامي
بانتظار طلباتكم
اخوكم عابر

لك الشكر على هذه البادرة الطيبة
وليس غريباً منك هذا الجهد
فقد تعودنا من شخصك الكريم
كل ما هو نافع وجديد ومفيد

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
جزاك الله خيرا اخوي عابر ..
الله يعطيك العافية..
:clap:جزاكي الله خير
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أخي الفاضل عابر سبيل

جزاك الله خيرا على هذاالمجهود الرائع. موضوع جميل جدا و رحلة ممتعة إلى بقعة من أعز البقاع علينا بالعالم.

بدأت الرحلة بداية موفقة، و ننتظر عودتك لنرتحل معك إلى بقعة جديدة من بقاع العالم

Thanks, brother, for the valuable topic. The pictures are great and starting the trip with our beloved country Palestine was a good start. We are looking forward to the rest of the trip

Best Wishes


[ردالسلام] وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته[/ردالسلام]

Great place to start from..

May Allah bless you and reward you

waiting for the next trip

best wishes


هلا بك جميعا على متن طائرتنا التي ستتجه بكم الى لبنان
التي اخترتها لكم بعد ان لم اجد اي طلبات منكم
مع الشكر لركاب الطائر الاربعة
الاحبة ابو داحم كبير القباطنة
والاخت امال عادل مشرفتنا العزيزة
والاخت العنيدة مشرفتنا العالية
الاخت ضئ النهار رفيقنا الرقيقة
املا ان تستمتعوا معي برحاب لبنان
Welcome to Lebanon

Lebanon has always been a special country. Despite the recent years of war, Lebanon’s long history, natural beauty and spirit of its people give it a place in the hearts of all whom have been there. With its legendary hospitality, natural and touristic sites and its delicious food, it is indeed a unique place to visit.

Lebanon is located at the meeting point of three continents, and over the centuries, Lebanon has been the crossroads of many civilizations whose traces may still be seen today. Its countryside is a place of rocks, cedar trees and magnificent ruins that look down from the mountains to the sea
It’s Arabic name "Lubnan" means white; the color of the mountains. In winter the high peeks are covered with snow and in summer there line stone slopes glimmer white in the distance.

Two rocky ranges traverse Lebanon parallel to the sea coast, separated by the high plateau of the Beqaa valley. On the coast are five famous towns known to every archaeologist: Berythus (Beirut), Byblos, Sidon, Tripoli and Tyre; the names of Ancient Phoenicia.
General Information
Lebanon is a liberal democracy with a constitution agreed upon in 1926 but amended many times since then (last time was in 1990). The Lebanese Republic achieved independence in 1943.
Area 10,452 km2
Population 3,562,699 (2002)
Capital Beirut
Capital population 1,452,112 (2002)

The political system was then adapted to satisfy the deep sociological and historical needs created by the presence of eighteen religious communities within the country.

Despite the resent years of war during the period 1975 to 1990, Lebanon nowadays resembles an extremely active building site.


President Emil Lahhoud
Principal Cities Beirut, Tripoli, and Sidon

Southwestern Asia, bordering eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea, bounded on the north and east by Syria, on the south by Isreal, and on the west by the Mediterranean sea. See map in Map & Sites page.


Official language Arabic Second language French & English
Religions Muslims 75% – Christians 24% Measures Metric
Time GMT +02:00 – US EST +7 Electricity 110/220 V, 50 AC
Currency Lebanese Pound (see below) Int’l Dialing Code 00961

Business Hours
Government Offices 8:00 to 14:00 (Mon to Sat)
Banks 8:00 to 12:30 – to 12:00 Saturday
Shops & Malls 9:00 to 18:00 – to 17:00 in Summer
Private Sector 8:00 to 17:00 – with one or two hours launch break
Note: during the holy month of Ramadan working hours are usually reduced.
Entry Requirements
A valid passport and a visa are required to enter Lebanon. Visas are delivered by Lebanese diplomatic missions abroad

Lebanon has always known the freedom of money transfer, permitting any person to bring in or take out any capital of his/her choice at any time without restriction.

Note: No Israeli stamp or any crossing point with Israel stamp should be on your passport this includes Araba border, Sheikh Hussein border, Rafah border, and Taba border.

Currency & Exchange Facilities
The currency of Lebanon is Lebanese Pound (called Lira) – 1 US Dollar equals LL 1513.750 (1 May 2001).

Coin denominations are: 50, 100, 250, and 500 liras.
Paper denominations are: 500, 1000, 5000, 10.000, 20.000, 50.000, and 100.000 liras.

After the drastic devaluation of the Lebanese currency in the late eighties, the whole economy is dollarized. Though today many transactions are quoted in the Lebanese currency, large purchases and real estate deals are conducted in US dollars.

Major credit cards, such as Visa, Master Card, Diners Club, and American Express, are accepted in large establishments throughout the country. ATMs are becoming more numerous and many are located outside bank branches and in the business areas of major cities.

Lebanon enjoys an essential Mediterranean climate with rainy winters and long warm summers with an average of 300 sunny days a year.

The winter is mild on the coast and snowy in the mountains. Annual rainfall ranges from 700 to 1200mm.

New Year 1st January St. Maroun’s Day 9th February
Good Friday 1 Day Easter Monday 1 Day
Labor Day 1st May Martyr’s Day 6th May
Ascention 15th August All Saints Day 1st November
Independence Day 22nd November Christmas Day 25th Dec & 6th Jan

Islamic holidays based on Hijri/Lunar calendar
Eid Al-Fiter 3 days marking end of Ramadan (fasting month)
Eid Al-Adha 3 days at the end of Hajj
Islamic New Year 1st of Moharram
Ashoura 10th of Moharram
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Birthday 12th Rabe’a El-Awwal
Al-Isra’ Wal Mi’raj 27th Rajab

Lebanon Map & Sites
Lebanon was the Attraction to the Eminent Figures of history, and is unique among world countries in being at the crossroads of three continents: Africa, Asia and Europe.

Its ideal location on the Mediterranean sea in the lee of Mount Lebanon, and its moderate climate has attracted the eminent figures of history enroute to conquest, such as: Ramses II, Sargon, Darius, Alexander the Great, the Caesars, Salahuddin, Tamerlane, Hulaghu Khan, and Napoleon. Whom most left their imprint on Beirut and neighboring sites.

Interactive Map of Lebanon

In the Hellenic era and Roman periods some of the leading thinkers of the classical age were sons of this land, including teachers, historians, and Stoic and Neo-Platonic philosophers. One of the greatest schools of Roman law flourished in Beirut, capital of modern Lebanon, and certain of it professors had their legal opinions embedded in the Code of Justinian, rightly considered the greatest gift of Rome to later generations.

Beirut, Lebanon

Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, with its million-plus inhabitants, conveys a sense of life and energy that is immediately apparent. This dynamism is echoed by the Capital’s geographical position: a great promontory jutting into the blue sea with dramatic mountains rising behind it. A city with a venerable past, 5000 years ago Beirut was a prosperous town on the Canaanite and Phoenician coast.

Named Beroth, the city of wells, by the Phoenicians, it is one of the oldest settlements of man as evidenced by relics from prehistoric communities.

Beirut entered the most glorious period of its ancient history when was occupied by Romans under the command of Emperor Pompey in 64 BC.

In 15 BC it was named Colonia, Julia, Augusta, Felix, then Berythus and acquired the rights of a Roman city-state. What most contributed to its fame, however, was its School of Law which, under Septimus Severus (192-212 AD), excelled the schools of Constantinople and Athens and rivaled that of Rome. The school whose professors helped draft the famous Justinian Code.

A devastating earthquake in 551 AD destroyed Beirut. A century later it was conquered by the Muslim Arabs and in 1109 it fell to the Crusaders. The city remained in Crusader hands until 1291, when the Mamluks took it.

Beirut nowadays, remains the cultural and commercial center of Lebanon. Today the war-ruined city center is being reconstructed under a 25-year project envisages a new modern city that will also retain its familiar Oriental flavor.

نتابع الرحلة الى بيقة المدن اللبنانيه

Jounieh, Lebanon
18 km north of Beirut is Jounieh; the playground of the Middle East as described by "The Washington Post" few years ago. Jounieh offers some of the best of Lebanon in the following categories: Hotels, Motels, Restaurants, Theaters, Cinemas, Nightclubs, Super-Shows, Cabarets, Chalets, Sports Clubs, Beach Clubs, Amusement Centers, Art Galleries, etc.

Beautifully located on the majestic Bay of Jounieh on the sea coast of the Mediterranean. This is the city of ancient civilizations and a modern business center for the today visionary entrepreneur. Come and experience the excitement, you will be delighted to visit Jounieh the hub of cultures and civilization.

This city still retains some of the charm of yesterday in the old stone souq area near ferry terminal. The area-known as "Old Jounieh" has recently undergone an overhaul and there are outdoor cafes and restaurants mixed among boutiques, artisan shops, banks, supermarkets, hotels of all categories.

As soon as the sun sets, the daytime charm turns into night-time glitz. Scores of restaurants, pubs and night clubs line the old bay side road from Jounieh northward to Mameltein. Whatever your fancy-from Lebanese cuisine replete with Arabic singers and belly dancers to fine French fair and European shows.

Jounieh can satisfy your palette and sense of adventure. The area is crowded with fun seekers every night of the week and packed on weekends. The jewel of the area is perched atop a cliff overlooking the bay: the Casino Du Liban. The famed Casino, once on the itinerary of the international jet-set in the 60’s and 70’s reopened recently after a complete post-war rehabilitation.

Greeting sea fares to the Port of Jounieh is Our Lady of Harissa, a white-washed statue towering above the area from its 600 meter high mountain perch. The Basilica and statue are accessible from Jounieh via the Telepherique (suspended cable car), which is open all year round.

During the summer season, a night time ascent and descent gives you a remarkable sparkling view of the Jounieh and bay area. During the spring and early summer months, you can leave a balmy sunny day along the cost and arrive at a fog enshrouded terminal building on the top. The mountain terminal features a gift shop and restaurant. Before entering Jounieh on the road from Beirut, you cross the Dog River or Lycos of the ancients. Here on the rock face are a series of carved reliefs recording the passage of numerous ancient armies and rulers, among them Ramses II of Egypt, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and the Roman emperor Caracalla.
والان مع صور لابرز معالم لبنان

Jupiter Temple, Baalbeck

Writers House (Dar El-Kataba)

لمزيد من المعلومات عن لبنان ارجوا الضغط هنا

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اهلا أخي عابر سبيل

تسلم على هذه الرحلة الساحرة بلبنان، استمتعنا بها جدا و خصوصا بالصور الرائعة و الخريطة المصغرة التي أرفقتها

الف شكر على هذا المجهود الرائع و بانتظار باقي محطات الرحلة


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