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الرئيسية » إبليز ضروري ساعدوني لا تطنشون رسالتي ابلييييييي,, الله يعطيكم العاااافيه

إبليز ضروري ساعدوني لا تطنشون رسالتي ابلييييييي,, الله يعطيكم العاااافيه 2024.

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

بعـد خمـس أيام عنـدي امتحـان تحـدث Seaking Exam

ومـثـل مـا تعـرفـون إن امتحـان التحدث فـيه 4 أقـسام

القسم الثاني وهـو الحـواء بين الطالبتين عـــــن اقتراحات بخصوص شي معين ,, فابليييييييييييييز اريد منهم تـساعدونـي وتعطوني أفكـار مثلا I suggest going
اريد جمـل من هالقبيل وجـدول مستواها عـالـي ,, فاهمين كيف

وأيضا القسم الثالث وهـــــو التعليق عالصـوره ,, وبعـد عطونــــــي جمـل أقـولهـا مثلا There are 2 men

ارييييييييييييد افكـاركـم ,,

والله حرام ملا حد جوبك
والله ضحكتني ابلييييييييييز هاي
انشاء الله تلقي حد يساعدك
الله يوفقج ان شاء الله فالامتحان

فقسم الاقتراحات تقدرين تقولين

How about …… or What about ……..or What do you think if we …….. or Do you think it’s a

good idea if we …………..? وفنهاية الاقتراحات سوي summery سريع على الاشياء اللي اقترحتوها تعيبهم

هالسوالف مثلا (So, we had choose …… and …….for…….and this and this for this)

وفقسم التعليق ماقدر اعطيج شي محدد بس عندي امثله بسيطه:

In this picture I can see …….or In the backgroud there is ….. In the front of the man there

are ……or the girl has long hair or the family are in the park or the boy wear T-shirt

في اشياء وايد تقدرين تعلقين عليها حتى لو كانت سخيفة فنظرج بس المهم انج ماتسكتين وتتكلمين لين مايقولوج بس

اتمنى اني ماقصرت وياج واذا في شي فخاطرج انا حاضره

Good luck

يارب يساعدونج
عورتي قلبي

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

هلا اختي السياميه

بالنسبه للتعليق على الصور ما اقدر اعلق من غير صوره..

لكن الاقتراحات تفضلي

There are a number of formulas used when making suggestions in English. Here are some of the most common:

Why don’t you / we go to the movies tonight?
You / we could visit New York while you’re / we’re there.
Let’s go to the travel agent’s this afternoon to book our ticket.
What about asking your brother for help?
How about going to Hawaii for your vacation?
I suggest you / we take all the factors into consideration before we decide.

وهنيه الشرح

Why don’t you / we go to a movie?
Use the base form of the verb in a question

We / You could go to a movie.
Use the base form of the verb in a statement

Let’s go to a movie.
Use the base form of the verb with ‘let’s’

What about going to a movie?
Use the ‘-ing’ form of the verb in a question

How about going to a movie?
Use the ‘-ing’ form of the verb in a question

I suggest you / we go to a movie.
Use suggest object verb in the base form in a statement.

:flower: :flower: :flower:

The following English words and expressions are all used to make suggestions and give advice to people.


"You should try to practise English."
"You shouldn’t translate too much."

Why don’t you

"Why don’t you join an English club?"

ought to

"You ought to read more."

If I were you, I’d…

"If I were you, I’d watch more television."

*All these expressions are followed by a verb, without to. For example: "He should visit the Eiffel Tower." (Not "he should to visit the Eiffel Tower.")

suggest and recommend

Either use a verb + ing
"I suggest visiting the Eiffel Tower." (We should all go.)

OR use that + a verb without to
"I suggest that you visit the Eiffel Tower." (I’m not going.)

OR use a noun
"I recommend the lasagne." (It’s a very good dish to choose in this restaurant.)


"I advise you to buy a good dictionary."


Advice is an uncountable noun. This means that we can’t say an advice. Instead, we say some advice or a piece of advice.

"Let me give you some advice."

"She gave me a very useful piece of advice: to buy a good dictionary

you can try some of these expressions:

"You could always…"

"Have you considered…"

"Perhaps we could…"

"Do you think it’s a good idea to…"

:flower: :flower:

Mashaa Allaah العنيــــــدة™ impressive! عروس

I think sis العنيــــــدة™ done well and I couldn’t add more, you will be in our dua sisالسياميه

May Allaah Give you success in this life an dthe hereafter ameen عروس

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