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الرئيسية » بليز ممكن تساعدوني .؟

بليز ممكن تساعدوني .؟

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ….

كيفكــــم …..؟ أن شاء الله بخير …

بنات ممكن اطلب منكم خدمه ابي احد يساعدني يكتب لي مقال عن اي موضوع بالانجليزي واتمنى يكون باسرع وقت انا عندي اختبار وماعندي وقت اكتبه واتمنى تساعدوني ضروري بليز ….

تامرين امر بس اخلص منه انزله لك
شلون يعني اي مقال ؟؟؟؟؟
عن اي شي اي شي؟؟؟
طيب هذا موضوع كتبته من زمان بعنوان " My favorite TV show"
One of my favorite T.V. shows ever is "Seinfeld". Seinfeld is an Emmy Award-winning, American sitcom that originally aired on NBC from July 5, 1989, to May 14, 1998, running a total of 9 seasons. It is a show about four friends and their misadventures in the upper west side of Manhattan, New York.

Unlike most sitcoms, its episodes didn’t revolve around central dramatic events or contrived comic situations; instead, the plots focused on real life minutiae-such as waiting in line at the movies, going out for dinner, buying a suit, coping with the petty injustices of life. It’s mainly "A show about nothing".

The main characters in the show are "Jerry Seinfeld", "George Costanza", (Jerry’s best friend) "Cosmo Kramer" (Jerry’s neighbor) and "Elaine Benes" (Jerry’s friend and Ex-girlfriend).

The show stood apart from other sitcoms of the time for not centering on the characters learning moral lessons. In effect, the characters are often morally indifferent or callous, though nonetheless hilarious.

Many episodes revolved around the characters becoming involved in the lives of others to typically disastrous results. However, regardless of the damage they caused, they never gained anything from the experience and continued to be selfish, egocentric people. That’s what makes "Seinfeld" show special and unique.


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