Can you make the promise of 27/8/2010 to July
Nubia 6 times a day in addition to not being able to eat or even walk
And feeling tired, nausea,
Is the erosion of medicine regularly and do not know what the cause of increased nuclei
لو سمحت هل تستطيلع تقديم الموعد من تاريخ 27/8/الى شهر يوليو
وذلك لصعوبة الوضع ..
المريضة جاتها النوبة 6 مرات في اليوم 19.6.2010 وهي الان لاتستطيع الاكل او المشي وتشعر دائما بالغثيان ..
علما بانها تاكل الدواء بانتظام .. ولا نعرف سبب السقوط
I was hoping that you can bring the appointment of Augest 27th suner, and reschedule it to july, since the patient’s case is very bad.
at june 19th, the brash happened 6 times, and now she can’t eat or walk and she always feel nausea, although she takes her medications regulary
and we don’t know the cause of increased nuclei
ربي يعجل بالشفاء
بالشفاء العاجل
Dr. ………..
Excuse me, could Tsttila moved forward from the date of 27 / 8 / to the month of July
And the difficulty of the situation ..
Patient Jadtha Nubia 6 times a day 19/06/2010 and is now You can not eat or walk, and always felt sick ..
Note as the erosion of medicine regularly .. We do not know the cause of the fall
Is there any possible way if I could bring the appointment from August 27th to July, since the patient’s case is very erious. Specially she had lately 6 seizures on 19 June 2024 and now she can not eat or walk and she feels nauseous all the time, although she takes her medications regulary
and we don’t know the cause of the deterioration of the situation
ارسلت للدكتور الرسالة اللي ترجمتوها وصلني الرد اليوم ..
رد الدكتور
Good morning,
> she could come the 19th or 26th of July – but she has to tell us.
> If liver enzymes and platelets are OK I would advise to augment the
> dosis of valproate (=Depakine), as we discussed before: 600mg morning,
> 600mg evening.
> Best regards
يمكن ان تاتي بتاريخ 19/7 او 26/7
لكن يجب ان تخبرنا اذا كانت انزيمات الكبد و الصفائح الدموية جيدة, انصح بزيادة جرعة depakine كما ناقشنا من قبل
600 ملليغرام صباحا و 600 ملليغرام مساء
اقتباس | المشاركة الأساسية كتبها ايام الشتاء |
جزاكم الله خير ..
ارسلت للدكتور الرسالة اللي ترجمتوها وصلني الرد اليوم ..
رد الدكتور
Good morning,
> she could come the 19th or 26th of July – but she has to tell us. > If liver enzymes and platelets are OK I would advise to augment the > dosis of valproate (=Depakine), as we discussed before: 600mg morning, > 600mg evening. > Best regards
( حبيبتي الطبيب بيقولك انة تقدر المريضة تجي يوم 19 او 26 _7 بس لازم تعطوة خبر وبيقول اذا تحاليل انزيمات الكبد و الصفيحات الدموية جيد انصحك بزيادة جرعة الديباكين (الصوديوم فالبرويت) كما ناقش معكم مؤخرا بواقع 600 ملغ صباحا و 600 ملغ ليلا ) و انشالله اكون افدتك و الله يشفيها يا رب
And the difficulty of the situation ..
The patient happened to her Nuba 6 times a day 06/19/2010 and is now she can not eat or walk, and always felt sick ..
Note that it is taking medicine regularly .. We do not know the cause of the fall
يااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااارب حقق لى احلامى …….. -@ا