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الرئيسية » مدونة انجليزيه

مدونة انجليزيه 2024.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

عندي سؤال عن المنتديات الانجليزيه إلي عندها اي معلومه عن احد هذه المنتديات وتكون ثقافيه وتعليمه ياليت تفيدني بها ولها جزيل الشكر.


Dear plain Chocolate
I have once joined some of the English learning groups.. the experience was not that fruitful!!
Topics posed there were not much of interest ..plus some use a language that you are better off without.
Eventually, i had to unsubscribe from them.

Did i omit the word "some"? because i am just making a generalization.
. You don’t have to take my word here…Try it yourself and judge. There can be some others.. But if you find any good ones,…please share them with us.
good luck

اشكرك على إبداء الرأي وإذا لقيتي موقع يستحق ياليت تفيدينا مع تحياتي لك (f)

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