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الرئيسية » 1rest partOUR LIFE****

1rest partOUR LIFE**** 2024.

oh god
what is happen forthat child
she is too young
to have all that
fate is not know anyone
he is not know
who is old or young
who is angel or diavl
who is man or weman
all them are same
how can we live ??
when we know all that
when we know there is nothing can do
when we know how to live
when we know how to play
when we know how to fight
we will not care about fate

iwont you to read it and tell me
what do you think about it

waiting 4 the 2end part
hello dear,
I’m happy 2 see u again
I miss u sis .. and miss ur nice writtings

about what u’ve writen here
it’s really nice subject about fate
But we should have the faith that everything happens for a reason
And for Allah’s well,,
we have to be patient ….

Hope u’ll keep writing and improve
ur talent ..
thanx for sharing

i didnt really undrstand evry thang u rote

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