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Example of public relations public? 2024.

Example of public relations public?
Usually public relations professionals have two goals in mind when leveraging media and PR for a client: Raise the client’s visibility and enhance the client’s business goals. But how does even the most out-of-the-box thinker make old news sexy? Or does a PR person simply continue to churn out press releases about a once hot topic, like technology whose industry is waning?

When your company doesn’t have anything newsworthy to report, don’t waste time pulling together an expensive press conference about nothing. Instead here are some suggestions on how to use your time and your client’s wallet more effectively and efficiently


موضوع مفيد ان شاء الله حبيبتي
في انتظار التكملة
وياريت لو في ترجمة مصاحبة لموضوعك ليسهل الاستفادة منه


حلو لكن كملي الموضوع

ايش الاقتراحات ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

والله يبي لنا مقالات كذا مرررررررررة حلو

الله يعطيكي العافية

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