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Men are better friends 2024.

[CENTER]Men are better friends
العنوان : الرجال افضل اصدقاء



A wife was not at home for a whole night. So, the next morning, she tells her husband that she stayed at her girlfriend’s apartment overnight.
The husband calls 10 of her best girlfriends, and none of them confirm that.

مرة وحدة تاخرت عن بيتها و نامت برا البيت ف ثاني يوم يسالها زوجها وين كنتي امس؟ قالتله ابد كنت نايمة عند وحدة من صديقاتي. قام هو دق على 10 من اقرب اصدقائها يسالهم اذا هي صج نامت عندها او لا : ولا وحدة قالت انها نامت عندها.


A husband was not at home for a whole night. So he tells his wife the next morning, that he stayed at his friend’s apartment overnight.
So the wife calls 10 of his best friends : 5 of them confirmed that he stayed at their apartments that night, and the other 5 are claiming that he still is there with them !
مرة واحد تاخر عن بيته و نام برا البيت ف ثاني يوم تساله زوجته وين كنت امس؟ قالها ابد كنت نايم عند واحد من الشباب. قامت هي دقت على 10 من اقرب اصدقائه تسالهم اذا هو صج نام عنده او لا : 5 منهم قالوا ايه نام عندهم و 5 قالوا ايه اصلاً هو للحين عندنا.

Men are better friends
الرجال افضل اصدقاء


very nice


very true


lol nice one..

but to me this just proves that

men are greater liars than women

lol.. thnx sis.. we needed the break

:flower: :flower:

))آسفة لغتي الأنجليزية ركيكة فأعتذر عن الأخطاء الأملائية ))

gooood stori abaut this man and wman

thanks alot

your most welcomed girls

it’s so funny

nice one

It may proofs that men are better friends because they know when and how to lie, but it

proofs that women are more honest


that’s right dear 😉

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