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who has a backstabber for friends 2024.

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We all know somebody who is a doubletalker, a gossip and a generally untrustworthy person. They are cruel to their enemies and even meaner to their friends – only with the friends the mean streak only comes out when their backs are turned. This type of friend is all sweetness and sugar to people’s faces but act uly and spiteful behind their backs. We call people like this "backstabbers" because they sneak around portraying themselves as something they are not, a friend. Do you have one of these snakes in your life? Are you wondering if a bud is really a dud? Take my"Is your friend a backstabber?" quiz to find out
Q1.You’re at a party when you spot a real hottie across the room. You point them out to your friend who immediatel
A.rushes over and puts the moves on the hottie

B.agrees that your target is hot and gives you a pep talk before sending you over to chat.

C.doesn’t see the same hottie that you see, s/he’s just not your friend’s type.

Q2.It’s the first day of school and you’ve picked out the perfect first impression outfit, you show it to your friend and on the first day of school s/he…
A.shows up in a very similar outfit only his/hers are designer labels.

B.shows up in a co-ordinating outfit but nothing that upstages you.

C. tells you it looks great on you and comes to school in an outfit all their own.

Q3.You get a tip about a great afterschool job at the mall and you tell your friend that you are going to apply on the weekend, s/he…A.beats you to the punch, applying for the job before you AND getting hired

B.applys for the job at the same time, but only after asking you if it’s ok.

C. helps you revamp your resume and pick out the perfect interview outfit.

Q4.Your grounded on the weekend of the biggest dance of the year, your friend consoles you by…
A.assuring you that your date will be well taken care of – on his/her arm!

B. calls you every hour on the hour from the dance to let you in on all the gossip.

C. insists on staying in with you – there will be other dances that you can go to together!

Q5. Your steady from another school dumps you for somebody else and you cry on your friends shoulder, the next day at school…
A.everybody knows all the sordid details of how and why you were dumped.

B.your friend gives you copies of all of his/her notes from all the classes you have together because s/he knows that you probably had your mind on other things

C.your friend is waiting by your locker when you arrive to give you a pep talk and point out all the great prospects at YOUR school

Q6.Has this friend ever spread an UNTRUE rumor about you?



C.dont know

Q7.Has this friend ever made a move on somebody you like or a crush on


C.dont know

Q8. Has this friend ever said anything cruel or viscious about you thinking that it would never get back to you?A.yes


C.dont know

Q9. Have you ever had a faght (fight) with this person where you went a week or longer as ‘enemies’?


C. dont know

Q10. Do you repeatedly fight with this person over the same sorts of things


C.dont know

Q11.True or False: This friend has always been there when I needed a shoulder to cry on.


Q12.True or False: This friend has been known to turn mean after a fight or when a friendship fizzles out.


Q13.True or False: This friend seems to have a new and different best friend every few months.


Q14.True or False: This friend has told other people something I have confided only in them.


Q15.True or False: This friend only ever seems to be there for me when something goes wromg in my life.


C.cus she wants 2 know everthing
if you picked mostly A’s and trues and falses that declines ur friend "is" a bad friend after all then u must pass on and look 4 a better friend that respects you all time

if you picked mostly B’s then ur friend is okay ,kinda good 4 u then believe her but be careful

if u picked mostly C’s then ur friend is the bestest friend a person could ever dream of

hope you guys lov the test

com on guys i no u guys want 2 do thiscus it relates 2 ur friendship
u guys get a peace of paper and track down ur points cus u wanna no if ur n the mostlyA’s or B’s or the c’s
just wanna say that i got mostly A’s and some B’s about my friend
thank u and its true
thank you
wat nobody is gonna write back?sisters u made me sad
that is so true cus now these days u cant even trust ur bf thanks 4 this quiz
right …..!!!…i totally agree with u grl
nbody these days r ur friends they are just enemeis that just hang out with ya
its true

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