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الرئيسية » I am back BACK

I am back BACK 2024.

  • بواسطة

Dear my friends …all the sweet girls of the lovely forum….I missed you so much ….. To day I just want to tell you that
I am BACK..
After spending 10 days in the hospital for the surgery and for the post operative care …. I am fine still have some little pain , yet I can say that every thing is ok …Praise be to Great Allah for helping me to pass this critical time…:smile:.I am sorry for not being available for that time and may be for the next few days too… but I really miss you all …miss your words :smile:…your sweet participations and:shy::shy: miss every thing about the forum….. wish me luck for my recovery….
Thank you

Dreamy dear,
I’m sooooooooooooo happy sweety

Thanks to mighty Allah & I really hope that you’ll feel better soooo soon so, you can come back quickly to brighten our forum with your beautiful & amazing presence(f)(*)(f)(*)(f)

Take care love and try to rest well so,you’ll get healthy and recover very soon


welcome my dear
Allah bless you
welcome back my sister
i wish you a quick recovery
welcome bk sis

inshallah u will be better soon

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها Green salad عروس عروس   عروس
  Dreamy dear,
I’m sooooooooooooo happy sweety

Thanks to mighty Allah & I really hope that you’ll feel better soooo soon so, you can come back quickly to brighten our forum with your beautiful & amazing presence(f)(*)(f)(*)(f)

Take care love and try to rest well so,you’ll get healthy and recover very soon


عروس   عروس

Greena My sweetie
.In return of such sweet words and great love I have nothing to say but




Dear Friends
شموخ انسانة
la fleur
Thank you so much for your sweet words
I am so happy that I have got such warm welcomimg
Oh ! my sweety

welCooooooooome !!

I’m really surprise to see and happy more than anything at the preasent time


thanks Allah

I’m really realllllllllllly happy to see you and I was waiting for you

and never forgot you

allah bless you


thank allah for your return

welcom back


Dear friends
بحور مشتاقة
Thank you so much for your sweet words ….you pleased my heart
May Allah bless you al

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