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Seeking Definition 2024.

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F: Hey girls! What’s up? Hope everything is super fine and cool

This morning I came across an article which I fell in love with and decided to copy you a portion of it ……. Here we go:
all through the ages and time, philosophers, theorists, thinkers, writers, inventors, mathematicians, scientists, workers, ordinary men, fools, politicians, young, old, girls, boys, simply ALL are seeking a definition, or a description to that –still exactly unidentifiable- thing called love.

Walk down the street and ask people about what they think about it, and you’ll get a million different replies..!

Love makes you stronger!
Nope, love does not make you stronger, but eating healthy and exercising do!
Love is sweet surrender!
Love is not a sweet surrender, nor is it a sour one either, it has nothing to do with surrender, holding out, defeat or winning..it’s plainly not a game.

Love makes the world a better place! (sometimes stated: Love can heal the world)
Global warming, ozone layer depletion, erosion, WWI, WWII, the Arab-Israeli conflict, Somali famines, civil wars, HIV, Swine Flu, Caligula, Hitler, The French revolution, crusades, massacres,….the world has never been and will never be a better place just because of love!

Love is heaven!
For god’s sake! No one has ever returned from the after life and started telling tales about it! How could you know for sure?!
LOVE is the only thing that makes it all embraceable and bearable! Love is the magic that makes you 100% realistic..and loving it!

Love is when you become realistically unable to picture your life tomorrow..a week after..or a hundred years later without the one you love!

Love is when you realistically believe that your partner will find the formula and the chemical reaction that would make you both dissolve into each other.

Love is when you realistically no longer care if you look dumb or goofy in front of people as long as it puts a smile upon your partner’s face.

Love is when you realistically like the idea of not having a penny in your pocket and realistically enjoy a simple walk, on condition that you feel your partner’s hand squeezing yours.

Love is waking up realistically knowing that life’s not any better, but you still have a smile on your face!

Love is when you realistically enjoy sharing an ice-cream scoop with your partner, only to laugh your heart out after you both confess the truth about its horrible taste!

Love is when you realistically can’t remember any good memory that doesn’t involve your partner.

Love is when you realistically –and unbelievably- save your French fries side dish for your partner to have.

Love is when you realistically miss your partner while you’re sitting next to them.

Love is when you realistically call everybody by your partner’s name.

Love is when you realistically get butterflies in your stomach when see your partner..for the 48135753068754th time in your life!

Love is when you realistically still blush and get goosebumps whenever your partner whispers “I love you” in your ear.

Love is when you realistically know for sure that your existence is totally related to that of your partner’s!

Love is when you realistically ultimately believe that your partner is the truest human being on earth!!

I’m not a writer, nor am I even trying to be. I’m not a philosopher, nor am I even pretending to be.

I’m just another truth seeker, who happens to be madly and realistically..in love!
:adore: Hope you enjoyed it girls as I did
😉 Cheers

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