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يادوافير الانجليزي ضحكوا المقال ابتاعي 2024.

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أتمني تصححوا لي كل شي يخص القواعد وعلامات الترقيم وأي شي

هذا مقالي
All the people have differnt in the communication with others because they have dissimilitude in thinking part ticlarly between gender they have big disporting for every think such as: the women direction their thinking about empathy, weeping as express about Weltschmerz
And woman turns her conversation around the point.
But the men direction their express about logic,they go out if they angry,and male goes stright to the point.

We all know admit all the woman express about sentiment because structure her mind used part the left mind and it’s contains imagination,empathy,debate. She always speaks about her feeling,and needs interest from other party.
But male speaks about logic because his mind used part the right mind.
So,he usually speaks about what he see valid in future.

Women when some person injured her feeling , or. If he does not understand her, she express weeping.
.but man if he angry for the woman, he go out for his house
because its return nature the physiological, and womens body excreted hormone called (broolakin) and its excreted answer for do for tension,grieft, and feelings of depression its related for crying when rise its rate in body and its cause crying for rivial reason, but the man when he angry go out

Women direct about speach,and she speak faster and make relationshipe with any person than a man. When she talks,she turns her conversation around the point and focus an man understanding,but the man goes straight the point,he is not turn the subject. He directive and dilative in his speech

My opinion: does not find person in earths face similar in personality, and deal,we different for every thing. The gender have different in communication because they have different stracture in their mind. .

هلا بنوتاات اتمنى تساعددوني وكيف احسن كتاباتي وكيف اجيب افكار اذا بكتب لانو احس انو انا مبدعه

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يارتيني كنت دافورة ماكنت قصرت
إن شاء الله البنات يفيدوك


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اختي اللي تحته خط يعني الكلمة غلط واللي بالاحمر يعني ما فهمت الجملة فما قدرت اعدلها …

All the people have differences in the communication with others becausethey have dissimilitude in thinking part ticlarly between gender they have big disporting for every think such as: the women direction their thinking about empathy, weeping as express about Weltschmerz, and woman turns her conversation around the point.

But the men direction their express about logic; they go out if they are angry, and men go stright to the point.

We all know admit all the woman express about sentiment because the her mind is structured differently where her mind uses the left part of the mind which contains imagination,empathy, and debate. She always speaks about her feelings and needs interest from the other party.
But male speaks about logic because their mind use the right part of the mind .
So, he usually speaks about what he sees valid in future.

When someone hurt a woman’s feelings or does not understand her, she weeps.
But if the man is angry because of the woman, he go out for his house
because its return nature the physiological. Women’s body excrete a hormone called (broolakin) and its the reason for the tension, grieft, and feelings of depression its related for crying when rise its rate in body and its cause crying for rivial reason, but the man when he angry go out

Women are not direct in their speach. They speak faster and make relationshipe with any person than a man. When she talks, she turns around the point and focus an man understanding. But men go straight to the point and he is not turn the subject. He is directive and dilative in his speech

My opinion is not to try to find people with similar personalities because we are different in everything. Different genders are different in communication because they have different stracture in their minds.


مشكوووره الله يعطيك العافيه طيب عطوني نصائح لتحسين مقالاتي
واذا عندكم اسم كتاب يعلم كتابة المقال اكون شاكره لكم

للاسف ما عندي اسم كتاب
بس حاولي دوم تعطين احد يقرى اللي تكتبينه
لان احيانا انتي تكتبين شي وبالنسبة لج مفهوم بس لما يقراه غيرج فيحسه مو مفهوم
وكلما يكون عندج غلط حطيه في بالج عشان تعدلينه لان اهم شي ان تعرفين تعدلين الاغلاط عشان تتطورين
وبعد حاولي عقب ما تكتبين ان تاخذين المقال وتحطين في قوقل للترجمة عشان تتأكدين ان كل الكلمات صحيحة


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