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الرئيسية » A young woman

A young woman 2024.

A young woman

Dying of pneumonia

Retreated to her bed, looked

Out the window.

Announced that she would die

When the last leaf


From the ivy vine on

Yonder tree.

One by one the leaves

Began to fall and the woman

Become resigned to her impending death.

But the last leaf

Clung to the vine,

Refused to drop. The woman

Recovered……and then discovered that

The last leaf had been

Painted on the window by ……

a friend….

I know this an old story and most of you heard it before…. But really I want
To share it with all of you
I want to show …what a friend can do even if he can’t cure you, he will find a way to help you………
in this life we need at least one…..truly friend

My words


Thanks alot bro for you meanful participation

The story is old but the meaning is endless

Best wishes


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أخي حروفي

Thanks a lot for these words that really show the true meaning of a true friend

Thanks and Best Wishes

[ردالسلام] وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته[/ردالسلام]

the story was new to me.. out of

experience i can say that friendship can do wonders..

thank you


for this wonderful participation…

hope it wont be your last..

best wishes


these are a very nice
worlds with deep meanings
thanks alot sister
for your nice participation



السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My sisters
I appreciate to all of you
your attendance
of your words here with my words

thanks to all



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