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agree or disagree 2024.

Hi sister

How are you???

I hope you are fine

There is a proverb which says

"As you make your bed, you must lie on it"

do you agree or disagree with it and why




Nice to see u again with ur new nice topic sweety
as we knew u with the useful topics
I hope all the members will discuss this saying
As you make your bed , you must lie on it

I hope your subject have many proverbs
each four or five days we put new one
do you agree or disagree


good idea dear

of course I am agree

but you did not reveal your opinion dear

What an interesting topic,lazord !!
"As you make your bed, you must lie on it"
This is the first time that I’ve heard of that proverb so, I searched for the correct meaning of it to make a correct own opinion about it
At first ,I thought that it has an encouraging meaning ,i.e that if you work hard you’ll reward yourself by yourself !!
meaning if you make your own big bed you can have a good sleep!!
ZZZ -___- {Actually when I read it at the first time …I was sooo tired and sleepy so, that what forced me to think what I had thought about it!
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But, it was a good thing that I checked the meaning before I write any thing coz the true meaning is completely different..!!
It means that:
Everyone must bear the consequences of his own acts. “As you sow, so must you reap.”
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Here is what I really think about this blaming meaning .. Hmmmmm}:think:
let me seeeeee:
If me the poor teacher get up very late in the next morning coz I spent the whole night watching my dear TV. >>.Then I should really ..be ready to jump high
suddenly, from my own warm bed to Knock hard "ouch" every solid cold furniture in my messy room so,I can reach & shut
finally the noisy crying loud alarm . I should be prepared to lower my head down so,the angry looks from my beloved parents won’t catch me:21_184: . And finally, I won’t forget to welcome my angry headmistress with a goofy wide smile:2_22: so, she might think that the poor me is still sleeping and might forgive me for only this time :biggthum: !!
================================================== =========== So,
I totally agree with that proverb and I wanna add something >>that we should be really careful before we make any double bed coz that means that we must prepare our self to face
double consequences
Green Salad

I agree

because eveyone is going to gain what he worked for

thank you Lazord for the topic

Green salad

before anything

???can I eat you pleeeeeeeeeeeease

thanks dear for your particepation and your opinion

be an active teacher hah


you are welcome dear

I am happy to see you here

thanks sweety fo your opinion

Dear Lazord
:21_186:I’m soo sorry because of delaying in replying
I like your explanaition sweety Salad
It’s more than exelent
I completly agree with this proverb
As we behave we’ve to
:sa24:bear the results

we are waiting for the other members

to share with us their opinions

because we are going to add a new proverb to disscuse

بنت الجنوب

it is OK dear

thaks for your reply

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