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الرئيسية » chating لحد يتريق:)

chating لحد يتريق:) 2024.

خلونا نسوي chating
ترا انا ما اعرف انجليزي..
بس المحادثة مهمة لتقوية اللغة..
قولوا كل اللي براسكم..
ومحد بيتريق علينا.. يعني لا تتفشلون.
How are you?

Fine, thank you
?where do you live

Best wishes

in my room LoOoOoOoL
I’m joking
in jeddah

How old R u?


thanks my dear for good idea , it s fun and useful

i m 17 what about you ? how old are you ?

miss britch…hi
thank U
but…What is the meaning of useful ?
I’m old than U i’m 20
U must do what i say Lo0o0o0o0oL

عروس اقتباس عروس     عروس
  I’m old than U i’m 20
U must do what i say Lo0o0o0o0oL
عروس   عروس

You are older than miss British

I, should be always capital

I wonder if miss british can correct our mistakes later

btw–> by the way
! I’m 21, I’m the oldest


I am glad to see that you have an intention to learn

this language and are actually doing something about it..

thank you dear for giving your sisters a chance to practise ..

useful = مفيد


NOTE: please be careful not to change the purpose of the topic

:flower: :flower:

How do you do today???
I so0o0o0o0o happy from your masseges
thank u alot 4 correct my mistakes
thank u 4 coming to my topic

we well tray to learn english….raight?

so..let’s dance…oh! Imean let’s learn

centrino…u r the oldest..so u r sleeping more later than usعروس

What r u going to be when u grow up?

Hi every one

I am sooooooo bored

what can I do ????

what are you doing in this summer holiday ???

are you going to somewhere???

hi miss
do u live in uk alone?
why do u live there?

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