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Check and learn English 2024.

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To whom that wants to know, learn English, to have lessons in English, Daily Lesson or to Test her English… to get some English Articles
للي بدها تتعلم انجليزي على ايدي خبراء و عندك بالبيت أو بدك تحصلي على مقالات او تختبري معلوماتك او مستواك في اللغة الانجليزية بتروحي على هاذ الرابط فيك تستفيدي منو

كتييييييييييييير روعة بالصوت و الصورة و التاست كتيييير حلو و سهل بيعطيك نتيجة الاختبار دغري ان شاء الله بتتسلوا
معذرة ما عم بعمل دعاية للموقع بس و الله بتنتفعوا و ما حبيت كون بخيلة

يسلمووووووووووووووو حبيبتي

تحياتي لكي اختي

تقبي مروري

1 1. "What’s up" is a casual way of saying

Your answer was: Hello, how are you? This is correct!
2 2. You see your boss at the supermarket. What should you say?

Your answer was: "How are you?" This is correct!
3 3. An informal word for money is

Your answer was: "fish" This is incorrect!
The correct answer is: "bucks"

4 4. During a meeting at work, you receive a very important phone call that you must answer. What should you say?

Your answer was: "Please pardon me for a minute." This is correct!
5 5. Your friend tells you that your new apartment is really "cool". What does he mean?

Your answer was: your apartment is great This is correct!
6 6. At a job interview, your interviewer says something that you don’t hear. How should you respond?

Your answer was: "Pardon me, could you please repeat that?" This is correct!
7 7. While ordering fish at a nice restaurant, what should you say?

Your answer was: "I’ll have the fish" This is correct!
8 8. Your colleague tells you that he has something to "discuss" with you. "Discuss" is a formal word for

Your answer was: talk about This is correct!
9 9. "Yeah" is an informal way of saying

Your answer was: "Yes" This is correct!
10 10. How should you ask a friend if he would like to go eat?

Your answer was: "Wanna go grab a bite to eat?" This is correct!

This is one of the tests, that I passed it with its result

تسلمي يالغلا

really wonderful participation
thank you so much
i enjoyed the test and the lesson were very useful

Hi ladies thanx for your passing by I hope that you enjoyed it[/SIZE]

thx but i realy didnt get wat u were speaking about but i understand thx
بارك الله فيك حبوبة
Thanks alot sweety for this useful link

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