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الرئيسية » Did u watch the ‘SISTERHOOD’ episode of Tyra Banks s how

Did u watch the ‘SISTERHOOD’ episode of Tyra Banks s how 2024.

Hi Girlz…

I watched the ‘ SISTERHOOD’ episode of Tyra Banks show ..
it was realllly gorgeous..
the main idea is the relationship between us as girlz.. how it could become HORRIBLE…
i enjoyed watching that episode…
Specially when Tyra were talking to Naomi Campbell about the haters and jealousy of Naomi to Tyra..
it took her 14 years to realize that She9Naowmy) was wrong to treat Tyra that way…
She ask for her forgiveness..
The part that tangled my head.. was when Tyra asked herself… did Naomi really understand that she’s responsible of all she said and done!
At the same time Naomi told Tyra directly that she sorry for all what happened and she’s fully aware of her responsibility of what said and done….

it inspired me to know that forgiveness it self is not enough to start again…
but its the confront of the guilt and confession to the person himself.
this is the complete process…
so you people could start correctly…


waiting for your replys on that issue..

Helloooooooooooooooooo dear HyerCool

this is an excellent topic.. i like it very much..

so congratulations on being brave enough to post a topic for discussion..

the other members just seem to be afraid to do so.. lol ..

anyways i haven’t seen the episode you are talking about.. but i got the idea..

about me.. in the past i used to be very difficult about forgiving anyone who had wronged me.. or about apologizing to anyone whom i had wronged.. maybe because i always thought i was right.. well not always,, but most of the time.. BUT now i am a little better about it.. cuz i was once listening to a tape about forgiveness.. it was an islamic tape.. and i realazied how wrong it was to not forgive..

now i think i can apologize if i am wrong.. although with much difficulty.. but i still haven’t gotten to that point where i can sit and talk about it and analyze the whole situation..

i would just prefer not to talk about it ..

yes, to myself in my heart i would admit the truth.. but to anyone else.. i would not..

well i guess nobod is perfect…

again i thank you for your topic..

very interesting indeed

:flower: :flower: :flower:

thanks aloooot dear Al3aneeda….

first of all , i’d like to thank you for your kind reply
and am much fascinated with your honesty
in fact i am in a process to confront one person with something that have been bothering me for 2 years..
i think it is the time to clear up all that chaotic thoughts brought to me behind this…
it need a lot of courage.. but its not impossible to do
to be frank… i don’t know wat would be the consequences.. but it is the path to RELEAF…
thank you again….
it was soooo sweet of you……
waiting for others….

Hi Girlz

Thanx Hypercool for the cool topic

actually it was more than one episode

they were all very nice espacailly the tyra vs naiomi

well when it comes to me i realy never hated anyone

well yeah i had fights but it never came to hateness thank god

and i actually forgive a lot


hi there Everyone..

A good topic really the one you posed Hyer Cool or is it Hyper Cool?
I have seen the show..and i just thought that being able to forgive is something not everyone can do..
But it is so powerful..and those people who can really make peace with people have the ability to make peace with theirselves..
Forgiveness leaves you with that feeling of goodness.
Great issue to discuss ..really

Dear Ms. Dana
thanks aloot for your sweet reply….
its great to have such heart….
you are living a good life …

Dear Blue Daisy
i appreciate your reading the topic, and am happy most that u like it …
and i agree with you that it need a strong person with great power from inside to forgive..

thank you for liking this topic and happy to share it with you all……

with love

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