You want to achieve your ambitions and success of your life. Every body does. There are several steps of which one will bring you appreciably nearer to your chosen goal. These steps will open your eyes to more beauty, improve your health, renew your confidence, and give you fresh courage and hope. These steps will tell you how to take care of your health, increasing your vocabulary, increasing your power of concentration, improving your memory, cultivating positive emotions; developing an attractive voice and clear speech; making yourself valuable in your society ; building a successful marriage; communicating effectively; solving your problems; being happy.
I will discuss here 2 steps. First of all is Improving Vocabulary. Inability to find the appropriate word often means embarrassment. And the fluency of expression which increase confidence plus pleasant voice and appearance will earn people respect and open up opportunities for leadership. The procedures to help increase vocabulary is to read widely. Reading not only introduces you to new word but also shows you how to use them. It also keeps you familiar with those already met and demonstrates how they have further meaning and use.
Next steps is increased power of concentration. Ability to concentrate brings success. And if you feel your concentration is week, be assured it is possible to improve by following these steps:
1- First, do all you can to shut out distractions,( for example TV ).
2- As you begin, refuse to dream about the past or future.
3- It will help if you write a not or draw sketches related to the subject.
4- Avoid saying ‘I can’t concentrate’ instead say ‘ my concentration is improving’ .
5- Never allow negative thoughts , and have confidence in your own powers.
Hope u like it , hope you try to make it. [/ALIGN
]i like it tooo much
and i will try to do all ur advices
thx alot