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الرئيسية » I will be there

I will be there 2024.

If one day you feel like crying…
Call me.
I don’t promise that I will make you laugh,
But I can cry with you

If one day you want to run away–
Don’t be afraid to call me.
I don’t promise to ask you to stop…
But I can run with you

If one day you don’t want to listen
to anyone…
Call me.
I promise to be there for you.
And I promise to be very quiet

But if one day you call…
And there is no answer…
Come fast to see me.
Perhaps I need you.

I copy it from another forum

wooooow how a wonderful words
very beautiful topic (y)
best wishes for you my dear

it is so nice &cool

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها ** ســــآلـي ** عروس عروس   عروس
  wooooow how a wonderful words
very beautiful topic (y)
best wishes for you my dear

عروس   عروس

you replay is the wonderful dear



عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها topaz عروس عروس   عروس
  it is so nice &cool
عروس   عروس

you are nicer sister

thanks alot for your replay


that is very nice my dear
it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
thank 4 you
thank you a lot it nice sintes
Thank you honey for your copy

I like it


very touchy. thank you

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