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الرئيسية » i wonder if you want to wonder with me

i wonder if you want to wonder with me 2024.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

hi everyone

how are you all

lately i was wondering about something

and i wonder if you want to wonder with me for a minute hhh

did you notice how some Arabic words are written in English

for example:

الرياض تكتب


الدمام تكتب


although we do not pronounce these words like this

i think we should write:




لان اللام تكتب في مثل هذه الكلمات العربيه و لكنها لام شمسيه لا تنطق

لذلك ليش نكتبها بالكلمه الانجليزيه؟

فيه كلمات كثيره باللغه الانجليزيه فيها حروف لا تنطق


هل نقوم بكتابتها بالعربيه ؟

لا …

اذن !!!

do you see what i see?

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته..

lets see who’s here?

أم القوقو ؟

what a surprise !!

welcome welcome dear..

i am fine now that i am seeing a thread started by you


heres what i think..

you know whenever non-arabs pronounce arabic words.. they have a different pronounciation.. so when they try to pronounce, let’s say Al- Riyadh for example.. they don’t really say it like arabs do.. but if you hear them.. you will know what they mean.. i think if we write it Arriyadh.. then the pronounciation would differ more.. they might pronounce it in a totally different way.. which would make it really difficult to understand..

so i think writing a word closer to it’s real spelling.. would make it easier for us to understand them..

it’s only an opinion.. and it might not apply to all the words.. but it’s what i think..

Thank-you dear.. it’s a nice topic to start with.. let’s wait for others to tell us what they think عروس

and do visit us more often

:flower: :flower:


how are you little miss stubborn

sorry i was away

thank you for your opinion

you know

you actually convinced me to a certain extent

and it is a new point of view

at least to me

thank you for sharing it with us

or shall i say with me

because i didn’t see anyone else beside you and me


waiting for you girls…


my dear accept this fact coz u won`t change it hehehehe but i didn`t get you about the word silent !! what did you mean ? iam really wondering now lol

bye bye

hi jewel

i am really happy to see you here

and i am even happier because i made you wonder

ha ha ha

by silent i meant silent letters

you know

in English sometimes there are words that have letters written but not pronounced

like for example

the word


we write the letter t but we don’t pronounce it

that is why it is called silent

i hope you got it

thank you for your participation

waiting for all the SILENT ladies who are reading


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