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الرئيسية » I’m back

I’m back 2024.

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Al salam 3likom war7mt Allah wabarakatoh

HI my sisters ..! hope u r fine .. I really miss you

I got back from Weastren Reagion last night
I spent definitely 12 days
I enjoed alot and had lots of fun.. I went there with my lovely husband as anew Honeymoon:o

I visited the most honored places I love and I dream 2 visit ALKA’ABA & ALMASJD ALNABAWI
I visited MAKKAH before with my family but ALMADINA ALMUNAWRA was the first time and
Al7mduliallah I prayed in it but couldn’t visit the prophet’s grave it was full of iranians

We spent 1 day in MAKKAH & 3 days at ALMADINA
and the rest in JEDDAH (The bride of the red sea) which is really abeautiful city but lacks a nice weather
we went to the famous plases there and I had so much fun
We saw the beautiful and amazing water fountain
which is the highest in the world ,we enjoed walked on the beach every day and I enjoyed alot when
we rented aboat for 2 hours in amazing place away of noisness and the time was 5:30 at dawn
the weather was so fine and I would jump in the sea
but my husband prevent me:2_22: h3 h3 h3
It was really enjoyable morning!
The most wonderful places there r the resturants on the beach which were designed by amazing style
and near to those resturants ,there was adestroyed ship (Perhaps it destroyed a hundred years ago) when I saw it directly
I rememberd The isolated Island by: my friend Green salad

We also went to Mirsal village and watched Circus there
mmmm and the most plases I went to malls ,malls and malls

sorry for talking in details but I would u know that
I’m soo glad ,
I really had agreat time

:87457: For You

welcome back dear sali it’s great to see you again we miss you too
hope that you had a good time

hello sali

we miss you alot

welcome back

Amoula & Lazord

Thanks alot my dear sisters
This is so sweeeeeet from you

Wa 3alikum alsalam wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatoh



Sali here …!!.. :yahoo: she`s again with us


i`m sooooooooooooooo happy 2 see u again

we missed u aloooooot darling

So, u spent a grest time there
Thanks to Allah:21_209:

Mmmmm we always say
من طول الغيبات جاب الغنايم:tongue:
What did u bring to us?:2_106:

Welcome back sweety.. we really missed u

I was sooo angry coz you left the forum for along time but changed my mind quickly when I read your happiness & joy through ur lovely words & nice sentences.Glad darling to see that you had & spent lots of fun time
and stored many happy & amazing moments as a lovely memory from all the wonderful places that you had been to.
I am soooooo glad for you darling .. and welcome back sweety in ur beautiful house-The English section- with your loving family-All of us-

سالي يا بعد قلبي وحشتيني مررررررررررررة يختي

كيفك؟؟ و كيف بنوتتك؟؟ الحمد لله على السلامة يا الغالية

و الله يجعل كل ايامك وناسة مو بس ايام جدة

نور المنتدى برجوعك,, والله اشتقنا لك كثيييييييييييييييييييييييييييييير

we miss u

welcome back sweety


عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها lubna91 عروس عروس   عروس
  Wa 3alikum alsalam wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatoh



Sali here …!!.. :yahoo: she`s again with us


i`m sooooooooooooooo happy 2 see u again

we missed u aloooooot darling

So, u spent a grest time there
Thanks to Allah:21_209:

Mmmmm we always say
من طول الغيبات جاب الغنايم:tongue:
What did u bring to us?:2_106:

Welcome back sweety.. we really missed u

عروس   عروس

Yeah ,it’s me 😎
I didn’t forget u sweety & broght this red flower 4 you


عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها Green salad عروس عروس   عروس
  I was sooo angry coz you left the forum for along time but changed my mind quickly when I read your happiness & joy through ur lovely words & nice sentences.Glad darling to see that you had & spent lots of fun time
and stored many happy & amazing moments as a lovely memory from all the wonderful places that you had been to.
I am soooooo glad for you darling .. and welcome back sweety in ur beautiful house-The English section- with your loving family-All of us-
عروس   عروس

I’m so grateful for You عروس This is so sweeeeeeeet of you
Thanks alot sweety …
I brought this 4 you our crative writer


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