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الرئيسية » @ Just a story @

@ Just a story @ 2024.


Just a story!!!!

A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree.
A little boy loved to come and play around it everyday.
He climbed to the treetop, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow…
He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.
Time went by…the little boy had grown up,
And he no longer played around the tree every day.
One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad.
"Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy.
"I am no longer a kid, I do not play around trees any more"
The boy replied.
"I want toys. I need money to buy them."
"Sorry, but I do not have money…
But you can pick all my apples and sell them.
So, you will have money.
" The boy was so excited.
He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily.
The boy never came back after he picked the apples.
The tree was sad.
One day, the boy who now turned into a man returned
And the tree was excited "Come and play with me" the tree said.
"I do not have time to play. I have to work for my family. …
We need a house for shelter.
Can you help me?
" Sorry”,
But I do not have any house. But you can chop off my branches
To build your house.
" So the man cut all the branches of the tree and left happily.
The tree was glad to see him happy but the man never came back since then.
The tree was again lonely and sad.
One hot summer day,
The man returned and the tree was delighted.
"Come and play with me!" the tree said.
"I am getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself.
“Can you give me a boat?"
“Said the man”.
"Use my trunk to build your boat.
You can sail far away and be happy.
" So the man cut the tree trunk to make a boat.
He went sailing and never showed up for a long time.

Finally, the man returned after many years.
"Sorry, my boy. But I do not have anything for you anymore.
No more apples for you…
" The tree said”.
"No problem, I do not have any teeth to bite
" The man replied.
"No more trunk for you to climb on"
"I am too old for that now" the man said.
"I really cannot give you anything…
The only thing left is my dying root,”
The tree said with tears.
"I do not need much now, just a place to rest.
I am tired after all these years" the man replied.
"Good! Old tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest,
Come, come sit down with me and rest.
" The man sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears…
This is you and the tree is your parents

ثانكيو ابو داحم

عالقصه المؤثره

المقطع الأخير معبر جدن جدن جدن

😥 😥

ألف شكر أختي الكريمة
كلهـ قمرهم ـم
على مرورك واعجابك بالقصة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

مرحبا أخى الفاضل أبو داحم

شكراً لك على هذه القصة الرائعة

وتحياااااااااااااتى الى الجميع

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
أشكرك من كل قلبي مشرفتنا الكريمة
نور الهدى
على هذا النشاط والمتابعة الرائعة
التي تدل على حرصك واهتمامك بكل مايطرح

دمتِ ودام تواصلك
ولكِ مني جزيل الشكر


يسلمووو اخوى ابو داحم قصة رائعة ومؤثرة

تقبل تحيااتى

شجونة الحلوة

الأخ أبو داحم

[ALIGN=JUSTIFY]Thanks for your participation and for choosing this wonderful story, which is full of values and significance.z

I wish you the best of luck and hope you will always enrich our corner with more participations.z

Best Regards


يسلمك ربي أختي شجونة
وألف شكر على مرورك الرائع

قصة جميلة وأسلوب سهل

شكرا جزيلا عالمجهود

So Thanks My Sis Amaladel

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