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الرئيسية » Logical Questions Read it,, it’s very nice

Logical Questions Read it,, it’s very nice 2024.

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم بنات,, هذا موضوع اعجبني و حبيت انقله لكم.. ارجوكم انشروه اذا اعجبكم خاصة باماكن تواجد غير المسلمين.. ترى الاسلام انظلم من قبل الكثير و من واجبنا كمسلمين اننا نحاول نحسن صورة هذا الدين عند بقية الاديان اللي و للاسف تنظر للاسلام كدين الارهاب وليس السلام.. اللهم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين و اذل الشرك و المشركين..

اليكم الموضوع لكن اسمحوا لي ما حطيت صور لان الصور اللي معه ممنوعة و ماحبيت اضايق الغالية سالي..

Why a Jew can grow his beard in order to practice his faith

But when Muslim does the same, he is an extremist and terrorist!

Why a nun can be covered from head to toe in order to devote herself to God

But when Muslimah does the same she oppressed

When a western women stays at home to look after her house and kids she is respected because of sacrificing herself and doing good for the household?

But when a Muslim woman does so by her will, they say, "she needs to be liberated"!

Any girl can go to university wearing what she wills and have her rights and freedom?

But when Muslimah wears a Hijab they prevent her from entering her university!

When a child dedicates himself to a subject he has potential.

But when he dedicates himself to Islam he is hopeless!

When a Christian or a Jew kills someone religion is not mentioned, but when Muslim is charged with a crime, it is Islam that goes to trial!

When someone sacrfices himself to keep others alive, he is noble and all respect him.

But when a Palestinian does that to save his son from being killed, his brother’s arm being broken, his mother being raped, his home being destroyed, and his mosque being violated — He gets the title of a terrorist! Why? Because he is a Muslim!

When there is a trouble we accept any solution? If the solution lies in Islam, we refuse to take a look at it.

When someone drives a perfect car in a bad way no one blames the car.

But when any Muslim makes a mistake or treats people in a bad manner – people say "Islam is the reason"!

Without looking to the tradition of Islam, people believe what the newspapers say.

But question what the Quran says!

Girls please try to spread this subject, it’s really important

regards to you all

منقول من ايميلي

بدور الليل

thank you sweety i’ll try to spread it
thank you my dear
وعليكم السلام ورحمــة الله وبركاته

I’m so sad to hear all this happen to Islam
عروس عروس
These points are infront of our eyes..but not spoken

Thanks for the sharing Bdorallil..it’s a really great one

thank u girls 4 passing by

Thanx for the nice SUB

thanks 4 passing by

unfortunatly that is true

thank you sister

thanx alot
and u’re right…..I think the real problem is with ” Muslims” themselves
when a muslim country banes Hijab in Universities and when they ban selling a chidren’s toy ”Fulla” because she’s wearing Hijab and they don’t want the little girls to be taught ”wrong” or ”bad” behaviours and thoughts
So, when the musilms act in this way
we can’t blame the non-muslims
thx for the info and i trust u cus every body nows this i now 2 cus i lived with them 4 10 years thx agin

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