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My Picnic to the desert "Photos" 2024.

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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Hello ladies my subject today is a picnic with my family to the desert
It was fun and cold
Every body know that United Arab of Emirates is famous of it’s original sand in the desert
And it’s very beautiful in the winter, nearly every family in the UAE must go to the desert and do many activities like barbecue, and cock traditional food, camping car racing, playing with balls and many different things

Now let see together photos I took of the lovely picnic

This is my equipment
"??!!every body said to me, Are you traveling
This is my niece with his crazy car, he was driving his scrap car on the sand
He was driving his car up and down the hill "I was with him in car when he did’t

"this is the car "SHOOOO don’t till the police
This is a balloon I blow to my baby

This is me sitting on the cold sand "Who is the crazy person who were this in desert "

This is the fire where we cooked the food "I couldn’t take photos because of the men"

I hope that you enjoy my report and sorry coz I couldn’t take many photos

donot wary my dear
photos is very nice thank you

nice pics

thanks عروس

Sweetest Mama
Indeed I enjoyed the picnic With you sweet heart
I loved the old car I like cars
What a wonderful Photo of the fire , I’m fond of its smell i.e wood’s fire smell I loooooooooov It
I need it especially now becoz of the icy cold here
I’m freezing

I hoped that you put some photos for the food that you cooked
Surelly it was delicious
isn’t it??????l
Nice topic Sweety

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها نسمة الحياه عروس عروس   عروس
  donot wary my dear
photos is very nice thank you
عروس   عروس

thank you very much

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها ميموريز عروس عروس   عروس

nice pics

thanks عروس

عروس   عروس

Glad that you like them

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها بنت الجنوب الجزائري عروس عروس   عروس
  I hoped that you put some photos for the food that you cooked
Surelly it was delicious
isn’t it??????l
Nice topic Sweety
عروس   عروس

I’m so happy that you enjoyed
and about the food, when my sisters were cooking I could’nt take pics coz my baby was craying, and then the men started to cook and I was shay to go there

AS I was expectingعروس to read and see
A nice & an interesting trip
Many thanks sweety Fotoon for your lovely report
I really enjoyed reading it
I laughed when I see your niece’s car not because it was as you said — scrap–
But coz I imagined you while your inside it>>> jumping up and down

================================================== ==========
AS Bentooooooo said one of the amazing thing in camping outside in the desert is the smell of the burning woods !!
It’s just like a magical Bokhour of the desert

__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Many thanks dear for taking us all in this magnificent trip
I really wished to see some photos of your little angels
May be next time
Love you:15: dear

is it cold in the desert


sorry am acting stupid

i liked the fire

i was nice

too bad we could’t see the food

its the best part


maybe next time inshaa allah

It seems that u had lots of fun , such trips are amusing especially if u were a big group

Thanks for sharing

Take care ..

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