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الرئيسية » Pueraria Mirifica لتكبير الصدر

Pueraria Mirifica لتكبير الصدر 2024.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

قرات على الانترنت عن هده العشبه و مدحوها كثير لتكبير الصدر و شده و هي عشبه من التايلاند و تباع على شكل كبسولات و معها سيروم
قرات تركيبه الكبسولات و الله عجيبه:eek2:
بنات راح انقل لكم بعض المعلومات عنها و اسفه لاني ما اعرف اترجم بالعربي:o

بنات اللي تعرف اكثر عن هده العشبه تخبرنا و كدلك اسمها بالعربي و اذا بتنباع في الدول العربية و لا:smile:

What is Pueraria mirifica?
Pueraria mirifica Airy Shaw & Suvatabandhu is an indigenous herb of Thailand, known in Thai as "Kwao Kreu" or "Kwao Kreu Kao" (White Kwao Kreu), It belongs to the Family Leguminosae, subfamily
Papilionoideae or the soy, bean & pea subfamily.

Ethnobotanic Use
Local communities in Thailand have used Pueraria mirifica for well over one hundred years, specifically for its rejuvenating qualities. The belief has been passing down from one generation to another and more recently through the publication by Luang Anusan Suntara,

In May 1931, Luang Anusan Suntara published a pamphlet on the subject of "Kwao Kreu". It is stated in the pamphlet that Pueraria mirifica can

– serve as the "fountain of youth" for aged men and women
– serve as an anti-wrinkle agent for aged and wrinkled skin
– darken white hair, and increase hair growth
– alleviate cataract problems
– help with memory loss
– increase energy and vigor, more reflexive bodily movements
– increase blood circulation
– increase appetite, and
– alleviate sleep disorders.

In 1932, Dr. A.F.G. Kerr, the Director of the Botanical Section of the Journal of the Siam Society, directed the attention of the scientific community to the fact that the tuberous roots of a Thai plant called "Kwao Kreu", mistakenly identified then as Butea superba, were considered to be of value as a rejuvenating drug. Dr. Kerr was the first to create international awareness of the rejuvenating qualities of this plant, which subsequently led to the isolation of a potent phytoestrogen that is unique to this plant only and to the identification of the plant as Pueraria mirifica in 1952.

Chemical Composition
The compounds that make Pueraria mirifica different from any other phytoestrogen-containing plants in the Family Leguminosae are Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol, which possess highest estrogenic activity among the known phytoestrogens due to structural similarity to estradiol. Miroestrol was actually the first compound isolated from this plant by a group of German chemists in 1940, but the plant had been mistakenly reported then as Butea superba. It was later on classified as a new plant called Pueraria mirifica Airy Shaw et Suvatabhandu,

The isolation and identification of deoxymiroestrol from the root of Pueraria mirifica has just been reported in the February 2000 issue of the Journal of Natural Products. The authors proposed that since deoxymiroestrol is easily oxidized to miroestrol, deoxymiroestrol, not the previously reported Miroestrol, is more to be the actual chemical constituent of Pueraria mirifica. However, it is very likely that the two phytoestrogens coexist in the root of this plant. As shown below, the chemical structures of the two compounds are very similar to that of estradiol, the main human estrogen.

In addition to miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol, Pueraria mirifica also contains other chemicals that belong to isoflavone and coumestran groups of phytoestrogens, e.g., Genistein, Daidzein, Daidzin, Genistin, and Coumestrol that are usually found in soybeans. However, the estrogenic activity of Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol is much more potent than that of soy isoflavones.


Kawakhurin hydrate


Coumestans glycosides
Mirificoumestan glycol
Mirificoumestan hydrate


موضوع حلوو بس ينباع فى مكان محدد ياريت تقولينة

تسلمي اختي على ردك :flower:

اختي الحبوب دي بتنباع عندنا هنا في اوروبا تقريبا 150 يورو لكن ما اعرف اذا بتنباع في الدول العربيه لهيك بسال البنات اذا بيعرفو هده العشبه او الكبسولات لكن الظاهر الموضوع مش عاجبهن:pain: :confused:

يال ليت تترجم علشان الكل يستفيد
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

صراحة انا اخاف من الأشياء الي تكبر أو تشد الصدر نصيحة يا بنات لاتستعملون أي شي الابعد ما تعرضونه على طبيب

وجعلكم ما تشوفون شر إن شاء الله

عشه من تايلاند مع ان اشكال التايلانديات تقول العكس
عموما اختي
شكرا على هالمعلومة

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