[frame="2 80"]I was always thinking about this….. Is it logical to love from the first sight and hate from the first sight?
Which one is more you?
have you loved someone without asking yourself why do you love ?
Have you hated someone without aksing yourself why?
Which one should be more justifiable[/frame]?
can’t wait to know what you think!:shy:
or that no one has bothered to reply to such an interesting topic..
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anyways.. this is a subject fun to discuss, easy to answer but difficult to justify i think..
i for one.. dont believe in love at first sight.. actually when i come to think of it.. i dont believe in love ( full stop ) ….
i am probably going to get criticized for this so i’ll say.. love arises from other feelings such as care, respect, devotion, interest etc…
i think you can LIKE someone after seeing them once.. but not LOVE..
you can admire some trait in a person after seeing him once.. but those are not enough to make you love him..
as for hate.. erm.. hate is a very strong word .. i dont think it should be used lightly.. sometimes i dislike people from the minute i see them.. or let’s just say i dont feel comfortable around them.. with time i might come to hate them.. but usually there must be something strong for hatred to arise..
i’ll stop here and hopefully we will carry on after i see some one else’s contribution.. and i can hardly wait to hear ur point of view.. dear blue daisy
:flower: :flower: :flower:
Than you dear Subborne
I wish i had checked it before..
but it is quite okey for me now.that i know you..
Your way of thinking is not so different from mine.
you could like..not love someone from the first sight..but it is that hard to hate someone one from the first sight.
I always find it hard to accept the possiblilty that one could hate for no reason.
thank you deari for being here and posting after 105 viewing.!!
I think the love has a relate of the first sight
I someone who love from the first sight
the love is something in your soul you can’t control it
but also you can love some people by the days
when you deal with them
and they become more closer to you
than kyou my dear
I respect all the points that’ve been mentioned before
BUT dont u think that ..there is no such a rule in luvin??
I mean ur way of thinkin will neva b similar to mine nd mine wont b similar to her…etc
Im a person who really believs in a destiny
And it was neva ..wut i think nd how i think IT IS WUT MEANT TO BE
And if it’s at da first sight or million it doesnt really matter
wut eva written in there u’ll c sooner or later
coz life always got somthin hidden for all the individuals to surprising them with it
when it is ,where,nd how,,,..god knows
thnx a million
bless u