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الرئيسية » Ten Differences between Winner & Loser

Ten Differences between Winner & Loser 2024.

[ALIGN=center]1) When a winner commits a mistake, he say I’m wrong
When a loser commits a mistake, he says it’s not my fault

2) A winner works harder and has more time than a loser
A loser always is too busy to do what is necessary

3) A winner faces and solves his/her problems
A loser does otherwise

4) A winner makes things happen
A loser makes promises

5) A winner would say " I am good but not as good as I want to be "
A loser would say " I am not as bad as others "

6) A winner listens, understands and responds ….Seeks first to understand then be understood
A loser only waits until it’s his/her turn to speak

7) A winner respects people who are superior to him and would like to learn from them
A loser does otherwise, and would try to find his superior’s faults

8) A winner is responsible not just for his own work
A loser will not dare help others and would say I’m just doing my job

9) A winner would say " There should be a better way to do it "
A loser would say " This is the only way to do it"

10) A winner like you will share this with his/her friends
A loser will just keep this to himself/herself because he/she doesn’t have time to share this with others.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Dearest Ciza

A very very interesting and useful participation. Thanks, my dear, for showing us these differences and I hope we all learn from them

Thanks, our Pearl

Keep up the good work

Best Wishes


Thanks Ciza

good luck for you

My sweetest bride
thanks a lot for your nice compliments
and let’s wish that a day
will come when people will
know the real differences
between both

thanks alot for passing
and best wishes

Dearest Ciza

As Usual

Very nice, sweet and full of new meenings

Thanks HONEY for your participation

thanks a lot sweety
for your nice compliments


losers do nothing to improve themselves,
thus proving themselves to be losers

i find the last point a little bit offensive though..

be more careful dear sis next time..

(am joking by the way)

thanks for the participation

Best wishes

thanks alot sweety for passing
wish you all the best

Thank you my sis.. Ciza for thses golden points that are about winners and losers. These are excellent points and everyone in this life has to be aware of them. Thanks alot my sis.. and good luck

ام عدول

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