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to discuss2 2024.

To discuss: 2
اولا مااشوف في اي تجاوب ولا مشاركة ليش المحادثة شي مفيد انتو تستفيدوا وانا بعد ترى بنقل مشاركاتي لمنتدى ثاني
1. Everyone in the group listening and talking a friendly attitude
Statements of interesting facts or opinions questions inviting further remarks
Explanations as needed to make points clear
2. Have you ever tried to have conversation with someone who was not a good listener? What marks a good listener in conversation?
3. Why might a talkative person need to remind himself to draw others into the conversation?
4. If exchange of ideas brings out a difference of opinions how can such differences be stated without hurting someone’s feelings?
5. How can the tone of voice show whether the speaker means to be friendly or unfriendly? Demonstrate by reading one of the remarks in the model in contrasting tones
6. Are there topics that should be avoided to prevent hurting feelings? Try to list some examples.
7. When or where should conversation be avoided? When should it be toned down?
8. Should persons who are naturally quite try to talk a lot? Why or why not?

How to hold interesting conversations
Think of topics that will interest others.
Do your share in the conversation.
Avoid remarks that might hurt someone s feelings.
Ask questions that encourage others to take part.
Be courteous in expressing any disagreement.
Listen to others without interrupting>>>

Because you are asking too much :ss:

Is this your assignment???

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