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الرئيسية » Today

Today 2024.


I may never see tomorrow,
There’s no written guarantee,
And the things that happened yesterday
Belong to history.

I cannot predict the future,
I cannot change the past.
I must use this moment wisely
For it soon will pass away,
And be lost to me forever
As part of yesterday

I must exercise compassion,
Help the fallen to their feet.
Be a friend unto the friendless,
Make an empty life complete.

The unkind things I do today
May never be undone,
and the friendships that I fail to win
May nevermore be won.
I may not have another chance
On bended knee to pray,
And thank God with humble heart
For giving me this day.

حلوة كتير كتاباتك

تسلم ايديكي

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

nice words.. from an unknown author..

thanks for sharing sis..

best wishes


thanx very much sisعروس

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