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Types of Women 2024.

  • بواسطة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


اخواتي العزيزات
ارجو من اي وحدة تدخل لهالموضوع او اي موضوع اخر في قسم اللغة الانجليزية
انها تحاول تفهم اللي مكتوب فيه
مش تسكر الموضوع وهية مش فاهمة شي
حتى لو وجدت هناك العديد من الكلمات التي لاتعرفها
تترجم كل كلمة
و مرة على مرة رح تتحسن لغتها و ما بتحتاج للترجمة الخارجية

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii every body

today i broght for you a new scale to know the type of women

Types of Women


She remembers everything, FOREVER.

RAM Woman:

She forgets about you, the moment you turn her off.


Everyone knows that she can’t do a thing right, but no one can live without her.

EXCEL Woman:

They say she can do a lot of things but you mostly use her for your four basic needs.


She is good for nothing but at least she is fun!


Difficult to access.


Always busy when you need her.


She makes horrible things look beautiful.

CD-ROM Woman:

She is always faster and faster.

E-MAIL Woman:

Every ten things she says, eight are nonsense.

VIRUS Woman:

Also known as "WIFE"; when you are not expecting her, she comes, installs herself and uses all your resources. If you try to uninstall her you will lose something, if you don’t try to uninstall
her you will lose everything

(khkhkhkhkhkhk(i dont know how to laugh in English)

i think i am internet waman
thanks dear

dear sister احلامممم
the laugh in english the same as in arabic

thaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks alot

a beautiful topic sis

and it is a great idea to write the topic without translation

thanks alot

Great effort and a very nice topic
Keep it Up

عروس اقتباس عروس     عروس
  a beautiful topic sis

and it is a great idea to write the topic without translation


عروس   عروس

thanks alot sis
i believe in my mine
when we translate from english to arabic or from arabic to english
we can translate word by word
and any way wecant get the same meaning 100%
we can get the write meaning just when translate ourself in our mined

عروس اقتباس عروس     عروس
  Great effort and a very nice topic
Keep it Up
عروس   عروس

thank you dear
it is of my pleasure to introduce the topics that you like

EXCEL Woman:

They say she can do a lot of things but you mostly use her for your four basic needs.

I think I’m excel woman

thanks alot dear

it’s nice topic

وعليكـــم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته …
funny.. ha ha ha
I enjoyed reading it
Thanks for the topic sis
It’s really cool and funny
Hope to see more from you soon

Best Regards

hhhhhhhhhhhhhh so funny
i guess i’m hard-disk woman

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