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What’s your quote for today?? 2024.

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Hi My lovely sisters
How are you
how’s everything
I hope that you are OK

Since I got a Free Time finally
And I didn’t have any Boring Homework to be submitted
I want to celebrate with this new Idea
I have this new idea, I hope you like it
:biggrin:and to be honest it’s not my own idea, I just copy it

Come and let us know, what’s your quote for today
believe me, we are going to improve our language, our writing and increase our information

Dear members


Do not disappointed me by not participating with us

Do not disappointed me

I’ll be the first

“Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.”
Arnold H. Glasgow

Sven Goran Eriksson

it’s up to you to mention the writer’s name
Waiting for you guys


يــ ع ـطيكـ الــ ع ـآآفيهـ على مآطرحتي لنآآ يـآآلــ غ ـلآآآ ,,

ولاتحرمينامن جديدكـ ,,,, لآعدمتي ,,, ولآهنتي

amazing topic
i liked it alot

I love this quotation
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character"
Martin Luther King Jr


Goooooooooooood topic I like it

and I will pass by everyday inshallah

Here is one

"Ship should not ride on a single anchor, nor life on a single hope."
50-120, Stoic Philosopher

فكـره روووعــه


لي عودهـ

wow, i truly love the idea
thanks for sharing this Lolitta
i’ll keep coming here for inspiration lol
my qoute for today is
"This too shall pass!"
it got me through alot in life, i’m not sure who said it but it’s really classic and old

it reminds us in our hard times to remember that we’ve been throuhg things before that brought us down and we made it through so whatever we’re faceing we should be prave and it’s gonna be behind us just like things before!

زآد الحيآه

الله يعآفيك يآعسسل مشكوره ع الرد،،

Cool gurl
I like‏ your quotation

أم وسآم
waiting 4 ur next quotation

معنى الحنآن
ف إنتظار عودتك‎ ياعسوله

Glad to inspire u عروس

Ur quote sounds like shakespeare ,, but I am not sure
I like the classic quote
It is extremly true and it has a rhythme

I like ur comment revonia

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

~Mark Twain

My quote for today is

"Don’t let someone be a priority in your life when u are still an option in their life"


"A friend in need is a friend indeed"


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