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who like to write poems or stories? 2024.

how are you today hope u r all fine
my subject today is about who like to write poems or stories ??:qaq:
im one of them
can u share with me u r poems or stories ???

this is one of ma poems plz gimme u r opinion :21_207:
(( in the dark light))

In the dark light
Late at night
You might see tom cats having a fight
You might see a barn owl coming for a flight
You might get spied
And what’s might?
It’s the moonlight

Great poem fdetny
it’s really interesting
thanx for ur fantastic effort
and this is ma other poem
((i try ))
I try, I try, and I try.
But I can’t seem how to fly.
I try and I try.
But I really can’t understand why.
I’m feeling so sad and shy,
So I sit in the rock and I cry.
And again I try and I try,
But again I sit in the rock and cry.
Well, ah ill try again….
At least I will fly and meet my friends in the sky.
where r u ? no bdy likes to write im so mad n sad !!!!
n ther is ni bdy like ma poems!
thhx sally
i love the way it’s been put together
i realy love it.its such a pleasing poem to read and is a great reflect on life and simplist things.
short and sweet
thanks so much fdetnyy.
welcm n thx 2 u 4 givin me u r opinion but im searchin 4 ppl who writes poems or stories
why we dnt show other or dont tell others tht we r writtin smthn gd itd nt bad thin like if uhv grammer mistakes other can croccet it 4 u ..Mabye 1 day will be famouse (hhh)
Inshalla god will give us a good mind n health to complete this way to write poems n stories
n inshalla we can do everthin which is gd as we r walkin in a stight way

thank you

thank so much ..


U r welcme

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