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Who Makes the big Difference 2024.

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Who makes the difference…:think::think:.

In our lives we meet so many people who pass by without leaving a single simple memory behind….people who pass as if not passing at all :down:…yet sometimes….or it is better to say in rare times we meet persons who make a big difference …عروس.who carve their impact in our lives just by passing by and saying these few words that we can never forget about….and finally we find that the time in which we met those persons turned to be A TURNING POINT in the life of each one of us ….and we find ourselves saying "we should have stayed some more time with those people …:sad: we should have heard a lot of their precious words" … but suddenly we discover that it is just like that ….Allah arranged these meetings to be just like that very short and fast yet extremely effective ones……..I am sure that now …by these words I shake the memory of each one of you….. hey do not worry it is just a little shake not an Earthquake …So do not panic:B_wink:…just give your self for seconds …may be for minutes , the space to remember those who passed in your life and left behind this wonderful impact ….who hold the steering :drive1:wheel just at the right moment to turn your own life to the right track…..who may have said some little yet charming and soul- stirring words that left your mind remembering and thinking about them till today……… hmmmm Now will every little sparrow of the sparrows of our lovely Forum …shake :sm215: her mindtenderly just to let those lovely memories about these marvelous times or those exceptional persons fell out of her sweet sugar :shy: mind and lay down over the pages of our sweet English section………..I hope you will find it an interesting topic:BOUNCE8:………

To every sweet sister" I am yearning to see:sm2441: your writings about the Turning point in your life"

Oh….I forgot….it is me who has to start all this …..how dare I come here and make all this fuss about the "turning point" without writing about mine…..how an idiot :21_186::21_184:….forgive me dear…

After Finishing my study …and as I was planning for myself to join the post graduate studies in the department of English literature ….after submitting my papers …getting out of the postgraduate studies bureau ….walking along the corridor very proud :8884:as if I have invaded Akka……I met the professor of Civilization ….and after telling her my tremendous story about my aims to achieve great conquers in the post graduate studies in the department of English literature…. Just few words from her about …the aim of learning …and that we have to learn that thing from which we could benefit and that might cause benefit to others …..we have to carry that flag of having a special message in this chockablock life …..I turned going back to the postgraduate studies bureau ….I drew my documents ….then I started to strive in another track ….I studied translation …..I am very proud of being a little translator who is carrying :21_195: the flag of helping people from different cultures to understand each others………oh Allah I am very talkative …forgive me dear sisters I was just telling you about my little tiny story………waiting for all the stories about the turning points in your lives…………..Thanks:Zd_bye_3:

very nice words
mm i am not sure if it should be called
a turning point..
it is a present perfect case.. started a while ago
and will continue forever..
a Sudanese doctor in college ingraved
precious lessons in life in our hearts before
our heads.. I have never seen, and will never
meet, such a scholar.. amazing.. in everything
with her manners and smile..
her high level of education in English
literature as well as in many other fields..
her pure soul made her feel that we
are angels..she didn’t know that she sees
what she is..

just.. an angel..

who left ..
but ingraved her love in every corner..
and every soul..
thank you …
thank you for giving me the honor of
knowing you..
though you left.. you are still here !

تاج الوقار حبيبتي:shy::shy:
Thank you sweetie for your opinion but I wish you could:sad: participate telling us about the turning point in your life our the person you met and made abig difference :Zd_bye_3:

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها remarkable عروس عروس   عروس
  mm i am not sure if it should be called
a turning point..
it is a present perfect case.. started a while ago
and will continue forever..
a Sudanese doctor in college ingraved
precious lessons in life in our hearts before
our heads.. I have never seen, and will never
meet, such a scholar.. amazing.. in everything
with her manners and smile..
her high level of education in English
literature as well as in many other fields..
her pure soul made her feel that we
are angels..she didn’t know that she sees
what she is..

just.. an angel..

who left ..
but ingraved her love in every corner..
and every soul..
thank you …
thank you for giving me the honor of
knowing you..
though you left.. you are still here !

عروس   عروس

How Sweet your words are??? How tender your memories are??? & how wonderful your participation in my topic.:clap::clap:………..No doubt that it is a turning point because in this life we meet such great people rarely…..I congratulate you on that gift as Allah granted you the opportunity to meet that person ….
Bless you….:shy::shy::shy:and so many blessings are flying now from our hearts to visit her heart wherever she is….just to tell her that she will be remembered in the sweet mind of 🙂 remarkable

It’s the perfect middle of a freezing night in the wild winter of my harsh loneliness!!
At that same mentioned night,
I could hear very well its crying singing out of my wet window !!
Knocking on it with its shivering beak asking desperately
for a safe shelter in my warm hands.
I opened the window difficulty to get slapped both
on my shocked checks by the freezing hand of the wicked wind of my deep sorrows.
And yet I couldn’t leave it to die there lonely in the lost world of forgetfulness ..even when its eyes give me the"You deserve all of that silly scolding!!" mocking look!!
When the speedy sparrow of my memories finished enjoying all of my royal –must to do– treatment
it finally looked kindly at me with his "forgive you "eyes ..
Then, I know at once that it’ll agree at last to spread both of his pretty
big.. black wings !!
I really need to see them opened wide to read the secret sent message from my wise mind!!
It has a long list of those precious people who accept once kindly to draw me some safe routes in the map of my previous life’s maze!!
The first names are of course of my dear parents who have & still the right to open the safe roads & to close any dangerous ones !!
With the help of course of some of the other family’s –constructors-members!!
You’ll find many names of some creative & tender teachers from the primary school till the university!!
You might come across some names of some of my trustful true dear friends!!
The last name is belonging to me coz I really need to draw sometimes some of those rough roads who should be walked only by my own choice
Green Salad

Sweet Green Salad:shy::shy:
Thank you for the honour you grant to my topic by participating with these tender words
May Allah bless all those who drew roads in th path of your life ….and bless you while drawing the other new roads at which you are aiming….I wish all :21_201:your roads will be full of flowers :flower:….smiles….and many supporting friends …..Just remember to draw at the forefront of your road a big smile ….Remember that it is just when you smile that the whole universe turnes to be apart of your smile…….thank you……:Za_thanx:
it is really great topic

thanks a lot

as I think it will be

Hey Girls……..How are you??? & Where are you?
Have you got lost :cry::cry:while strolling in the long alleys of your abyssal memory…:sm215:..I wonder what
happened to you …..I just asked you to make a short walk in the near stashes of your crusted memory…:sad:…let me just know about you Are you Ok girls???……Come back to life …………..forget about participating in the topic if it is going to get you far from me
:21_88:Do not lose hope, sis

دريمي حبيبتي أبيج ما تزعلين نفسج بسبب قلة المشاركات في موضوعج الرائع والمتصفح البارع لصفحات ذكرياتنا !!

موضوعج يمر بمرحلة صعبة مر فيها كل موضوع وضع بتعب في هذا المنتدى و لكن صدم بسبب قلة المشاركة فيه !! ,,,

حطي في بالج أنه مش الكل عنده المخزون الكافي من الكلمات اللي يسمحله بالتعبير المريح في مختلف المواضيع!!

الصبر وطول البال أصدقاء رافقوني في رحلتي مع هذا القسم الغالي..
وادا حابه راح أعيد تقديمهم لج من جديد لأنج اكيد على معرفة سابقة بهم لكن نسيتي اعادة الاتصال بهم:wink:!!

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